Grange Road to Tramore Valley Park Pedestrian and Cycle Link including Bridge over the N40

Cork County Council intends to construct a pedestrian and cycle link fom the Grange Road, Douglas to the Tramore Valley Park.  The proposed 4 metre path is approximately 995 metres long and includes a bridge over the N40 South Ring Road.

There is an existing trail in the woords that starts to the west of Amberley Heights and finishes to the west of Alden Grove.  The proposed path will extend this trail to connect with the Grange Road to the south and with the Tramore Valley Park to the north from where the path will continue on through the park and into the city.

Submissions to the planning application can be made  until and including Friday, 7th July 2017.  Please direct them to the Senior Engineer, Cork County Council, Traffic and Transportation, Floor 10, County Hall, Cork.  There is no fee for making a submission.

The planning application documents and drawings are at the following links:
Grange Road to TVP – Update re Part 8 to Ballincollig Carrigaline Municipal District Members
Preliminary Design Report
Route Selection report
Part 8 Planning Drawings Final
EIA Screening with appendices

Local Agenda 21 Environmental Partnership Fund 2017

The Local Agenda 21 Environmental Partnership Fund scheme is designed to help increase local levels of environmental awareness or to help local communities become more sustainable. It may be of interest to local community groups/residents associations. Applications should note that funding is limited and Cork County Council will award funding to those projects which best meet the qualifying criteria.
Completed applications need to be submitted to Cork County Council Environment Department (care of Mr. John O’Regan) before the closing date of 5.00pm on the 23rd June 2017:

LA21 Application Form 2017

Repair and Leasing Scheme for vacant/rental property owners

The Repair and Leasing Scheme is a new scheme launched by Government and run through the local authorities.  It aims to increase the supply of social housing by enabling the use of existing housing stock.

Under the Scheme, repair and improvement works to suitable vacant properties are funded to bring them up to the standard for rented accommodation.  The cost of the works is then deducted from lease payments over an agreed lease term.

The ideal properties will require a low level of investment to bring them up to standard and it is not envisaged that any level of significant structural works will be required.  The Council will be responsible for the maintenance of the property once the lease is signed, will appoint tenants from the housing waiting list, and will manage these tenancies.  The property owner will be guaranteed a steady income, regardless of whether the property is vacant.

The maximum funding available per property is €40,000 and the lease term shall be for a period of between ten and twenty years.

Further information can be obtained from the Housing Grants Section at or telephone 022 30492 or 022 30415.

Enquiry Form and Frequently Asked Questions in relation to the Scheme:
Repair and Leasing Initiative Enquiry Form[1]
Repair & Leasing Final FAQs

SECAD Bumblebee and Butterfly Monitoring Workshops, 24th or 25th May


Bumblebee Workshop: 24th May
Butterfly Workshop: 25th May
(You can attend one or both.)

Monitoring bumblebee and butterfly populations is an important means of measuring change in the environment as well as the state of habitats for biodiversity.  It is also a useful way that both professional ecologists and volunteers can contribute to the conservation of these and other insects.

Tomás Murray of the National Biodiversity Data Centre will introduce the biology and the species of Irish bumblebees and butterflies, and provide training on how to monitor both groups of pollinators according to international standards. You’ll also get to spend a few hours in the field honing your identification skills for both groups and practice the necessary skills to become a recorder for the National Biodiversity Data Centre’s butterfly and bumblebee monitoring schemes.

Course Details 

The course is free of charge and suitable for members of community based organisations with an interest in, or who are actively involved in promoting biodiversity.

  • No prior experience is required.
  • In terms of materials, nets and identification books will be provided.
  • Bring a notepad if you wish. You will not need anything else.
  • Lunch will be provided.
  • Please dress appropriately for going outside.
  • Courses start at 10am each day, but you need to arrive at 9:45 for registration.
  • SECAD will be the venue and directions can be found at the following link:

9:45 – 10:00 Registration
10:00 – 10:45 Introduction to the national monitoring schemes.
11:00 – 12:45 Bumblebee biology and identification.
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 16:00 Practice identification and monitoring skills in the field.*

To book:  
You can register by emailing or online at:





Overview of Scheme
Cork County Council Community Facilities scheme offers Community and Voluntary groups access to capital funding in order to kick-start, advance or complete their projects. The scheme seeks to address some of the difficulties local community groups face in terms of accessing small-scale levels of funding to match their own fundraising efforts.

The 2017 scheme is funded by the Department of Housing, Planning, Community and local Government with support from the Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) and the Municipal Districts of Cork County Council.

The scheme will offer grants up to a maximum of €1,000 per project.

Eligible Projects
Examples of what area you can apply for funding include:

  • Community Centre Equipment
  • Office Equipment / Meeting Furniture
  • Sports / Recreation Facilities
  • Relevant Tools, Machinery and Appliances

Ineligible projects
The following expenditure is not eligible for funding:

  • Any project not in keeping with the ethos of the Scheme or which does not address at least one of the target groups and thematic areas
  • Any current funding projects or elements of projects
  • Employment costs
  • Routine maintenance, minor repairs or other ongoing costs
  • Legal fees
  • Project management fees
  • Purchase of lands or buildings
  • Feasibility studies
  • Private or commercial operations

Target groups and thematic areas
Applications should relate to at least one key target group and thematic area below in order to be eligible for consideration.

  • Youth
  • Older people
  • Immigrants
  • Refugees
  • Travellers
  • Ex-prisoners and families of prisoners/ex-prisoners
  • Projects promoting cultural activity
  • Projects promoting equality
  • Community development projects
  • Projects promoting integration
  • Projects which are part of the Creative Ireland 2017-2022 initiative

Application Forms and Guidelines
All applicants must complete use and complete in full the official application form which can be downloaded from Cork County Council website or here:

CFS application guidelines 2017
CFS Final Application Form 2017

Applications will only be accepted on the official application form.

Once completed please submit your application by post before 30 June 2017 to:

 Mr. Fergal Gough & Ms. Fiona Hayes,
Communities Facilities Scheme 2017,
Cork County Council,
County Library Building,
County Hall,

Please direct any queries on this scheme to: Fergal Gough available at 021- 4285500 or Fiona Hayes 021-4285338

Alternatively you can e-mail your query to

Notes from a meeting of the Ballincollig/Carrigaline Municipal District, 15-05-2017

1. To consider the confirmation and signing of the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 18thApril 2017

‘Minutes 18.04.17 draft.pdf’

Proposed and seconded.

Matters arising:

Cllr Forde asks whether there was an update on her request that we would buy Barry’s Field in Douglas.

MDO was wondering what role we could have in it because there is an active planning file.

Cllr Forde says she understands that further information was requested.  Wants an inkling that they would be willing to examine the frame.

Cllr D’Alton asks about Marino Point.  She had sent a copy of the bond onto the MDO after the last meeting.  Wondered if the planning department had given an update.

The MDO said he had sent the bond on to them.  He doesn’t think they had any record of it.  He will talk to the Director of Planning but doesn’t think we will get very far.

Cllr D’Alton asks about Dock Terrace.  The MDO had agreed to contact the owner and to inspect them.

The MDO said he was in Passage West with Jim Molloy, the new SEO.  They are going to talk about Dock Terrace before they do anything more.

Cllr D’Alton confirms that grasscutting will be addressed later in the meeting.

Cllr McGrath had asked at the last meeting about the walkway between Lehenaghmore and Lenhenaghbeg.  He would also like an update on the junction between Barry’s and Driscoll’s pub.

AE:  Confirmed that the area in Lehenaghmore is belonging to Cork County Council.  Is hoping to look at it on the ground and see if the (much depleted) Gateway crew can do small works there.  Doesn’t know if it is within their capacity.

Barry’s junction – there are markings there already.  Not sure if there is much more that can be done.  It is a stop junction.  We will try to highlight this.


2.  Consideration of Reports and Recommendations

(i) Grange Road – Tramore Valley Park Pedestrian and CycleLink including bridge over the N40

‘Grange Road to TVP – Update re Part 8 to Ballincollig Carrigaline Municipal District Members.pdf’

‘Part 8 Planning Drawings Final.pdf’

Peter O’Donoghue:
We’re working on this for quite a while.  It will run down the valley, past Vernon Mount, cross the N40 and link into existing and future path to the city.  It will form part of the overall network of the city environs.  The Grange/Frankfield area has restricted access by car.  The two routes are very congested and the N40 adds a significant barrier which adds to the congestion.  This offers good opportunity to link the area to the city by walking/cycling.  The length is less than 1 km and another 1km brings you into the city.  We think that if this city were to proceed, it would be quite popular.  This is a transportation rather than recreational route.  Our primary interest is in transportation.

The Council bought the field at Grange known as the Donkey Field and that allows us to feed directly to the Grange Road.  Some of the gradients are steep by the Grange Road and we propose to provide cycle steps.  There are seven separate sets of cycle steps designed to deal with this.  We also propose a separate longer more meandering route that avoids the steps and will be useable by wheelchairs/buggies.

Public lighting will operate until 10pm and will come back on in the early morning.  This arrangement is the same as for Ballybrack and is good for wildlife.

Cllr Jeffers:  Very welcome overall.  Wanted for a long time.  Connectivity is the big issue.  Around the back of this would be used a lot for cycling.  Measures should be put in place to slow cyclists down because people will go fast on this.

Cllr Desmond wonders if it will ever be closed or is it just that the light will go off at nighttime?

Cllr McGrath:  Very positive.

Cllr D’Alton:  Despite previous request for a green bridge, the proposed bridge doesn’t look too bad.  Thanks Peter O’D for having answered successive emails on this in the past few months.  What do cycle steps look like?  The width of the main pathway with the steps is indicated as 4 metres but what is that of the meandering path?

Cllr Harris:  Will there be security cameras on the bridge?  Is it an enclosed structure?  For security reasons, thinks it should be.

Cllr Canty supports too.  There has always been talk about connectivity to this area from Grange.

Peter O’D:
Cyclists will have to get off to cycle through the steps.  So areas with the higher gradients can’t be sped on.  The rest is relatively flat.  There is no incentive for cyclists to go fast.  Cyclist behaviour is an issue all the time.  There are issues with pedestrians as well.  Imagines that if this were open it would be popular and heavily used.  This is the main reason people will slow down because they have to share.  There are no proposals to put in barriers to slow cyclists down.
The proposal is to pick up accesses that are existing and not to close them.  Will be open 24-7.  The Tramore Valley park will close at night time.  That is the exception.  Whatever regime is there, we will have to respect that.  Expects there will be a gate on the bridge.
Anti-social behaviour – we have built in ducting for security cameras.  We should be able to service them without having to lay further ducts.  We’ll have to wait and see how the anti-social thing goes.  High use is the greatest deterrent to anti-social behaviour.  The Passage West line is the best example of that.  We have other areas where there are more problems.  There were problems in Ballybrack initially although we feel we have resolved that largely.  Security cameras aren’t a high cost; the high cost is in the monitoring.
The path is 4 metres wide.  We intended that the meandering path would be less because it is not likely to be used very much.  Expects 90% of pedestrians/cyclists will use the direct route so this will be 3 metres..  Our approach to these things is to provide 4 m where possible.
Knows there is criticism that this isn’t a green bridge.  Normally a green bridge comes when you create severance.  In this case we’re providing connectivity rather than severing.  The need for us to provide compensating measures isn’t as high as it might be in other situations.  Accepts that the concept would be fabulous.  It would not be possible at the level of investment we’re able to tap into.
The answer to the security cameras question is something that will have to be dealt with in the longer run.
Cycle steps are just normal steps with a channel at one side.  Your wheels go in the channel and you dismount and push your bike.
There is nothing specific in this to stop skateboarders.  The issue here is the handrail and how available that might be.  This is a preliminary design; we’re going for Part 8.  Those kind of details can be addressed afterwards in detailed design.
Funding – this is a significant project.  We’re at the €3m level.  The bridge is relatively expensive because abutments have to be provided and we have to cross the city and harbour watermain.  We will be looking to national agencies to help fund this.  The arguments will be that severance has happened there by the provision of other infrastructure and this will provide connectivity.  National agencies have been spoken to.  They accept that there is a need.  There are few projects that give this amount of connectivity.
On enclosure – the intention is not to enclose it.  We gave a lot of time to the design of the bridge.  Part of the team involved using bridge architects.  We looked at a number of options and arrived at this one given the aesthetics and cost.  It has high-sided arching and supports so it does not lend itself to anti-social behaviour.  There are a number of bridges over the N40 and none of them is enclosed.  There is no protection at all on the Blackrock Greenway bridge.  To enclose it would make it unattractive to the normal user.  We have never done enclosed bridges, not even over railways.

Going forward for the Part 8 is proposed and seconded (Cllr Jeffers and Cllr D’Alton).


(ii) Report of the Economic Development, Enterprise & Community Directorate to Municipal District Committees – Quarterly Report to END of April 2017 

‘DRAFT Report to MD Committees May 2017.pdf’

Paul Sutton:
Construction has progressed on the development of the community enterprise centre in Dunmanway in conjunction with the local community, Enterprise Ireland, Cork County Council and Clann Credo. This will result in 3 units of enterprise space and office and hotdesking facilities on a site supplied by Cork County Council.

MDO:  These reports will be brought to us more often from now and will be tailored for our MD.

Cllr D’Alton asked whether for enterprise centres like this whether we generally own the land in advance or whether we purchase it.

PS: We generally own the land in advance.  Dunmanway is part funded by Cork County Council.  It was part of a national scheme brought out by Enterprise Ireland a few years ago.  Communities could apply for funding but there was a long lead in time.  This is probably the last one that will be developed under that scheme.  So it is part funded by Enterprise Ireland, part by Cork County Council and part by the local community enterprise group.  At the moment the building is largely finished.

Cllr Jeffers asked if we could get facts on employment creation, etc. on grants that are given out for start-up businesses such as these.  In particular whether the jobs involved are low-paid or whether they are attractive, fair jobs.

PS:  Yes.  In general the companies are start ups and employing less than 10 people.  He explains the process an entrepreneur will go through to get start up of a micro business.  Will ask the Local Enterprise Office the question about the quality of jobs.  Cautions that high wages would leave businesses in some sectors (such as restaurants) simply uncompetitive and so wages paid to employees are in part governed by this.


(iii) Section 85 Agreement 

‘Douglas FRS S85_Figure 2.pdf’
‘Douglas FRS S85_Figure 3.pdf’

Cork County Council, in collaboration with the Office of Public Works (the funding authority for the scheme), intends to undertake engineering works along the Ballybrack Stream, Grange Stream and Tramore River with the objective of minimising the risk of flooding in the areas of Douglas and Togher. The agreement of full Council is to be sought to the entering into a Section 85 agreement with Cork City Council for the purposes of Planning and Construction of Douglas Flood Relief Scheme.

(I left the room to talk to PS.)


 (iv) Control of Dogs (Parks and Greenways) Bye-Laws 2017 

‘Draft Control of Dog Parks Bye-Laws 2017.pdf’
‘Control of Dogs.pdf’

(Missed the beginning of this discussion.)

MDO:  Regional Park has over 3000 people/day.

Cllr Harris:  Douglas Community Park – lady walking with her children.  Dog comes up and scares her child.  She tells the man who owns the dog that he should keep his dog under control.  He tells her where to go.  That’s not right.

Cllr Jeffers:  We shouldn’t rush into this.  Thinks we have to take action.  People are coming to us.  Agree 100% that greenways should have bye-laws for dog control.  The parks would be good if we could have designated areas for dog exercise.  The long leads are a nightmare.  Doesn’t know if we can regulate them.  Greenways are built for pedestrians.

Cllr Murphy:  Have we the manpower if we introduce these?  In the MUGA, they’re still going in there and letting dogs off.

Cllr D’Alton:  Have made my opinion clear by email.  Think bye-laws are essential on greenways both for dogs on leads and extendable leads.  Doesn’t think they should be extended to parks.  We can’t implement the laws we’ve got.  Especially dog fouling.  Sees people going into Marmullane Park every morning with their dogs.  They go in when there is no one else around.  They keep the dog on a lead going in, let the dog off inside and exercise them off lead because they have no other place.  They can’t do it any more on the greenway.  They pick up the dog poo, put it into the bin (on which the lock is broken), put the dog back on the lead and go.  They are doing no harm to anyone, it is totally responsible but a bye-law would say they can’t do that any more.

MDO:  Dogs have to be kept under effective control under the Act.  The dog warden says that without bye laws it is very difficult for him to enforce that element of the Act.  Cllr D’Alton is misinterpreting what is actually there.  Dog warden says that if we want him to be able to go into parks on a regular basis, they have to have bye-laws to be able to deal with the situation.  It doesn’t have to be a blanket ban.  Suggests that we come up with proposals.

Cllr Canty says that he would be interested in bringing a bye-law in.  We brought in our own dog wardens into the Regional Park under cover.  They got abused by the dog owners when they remonstrated with them.  You have people in wheelchairs and pushing buggies and the dogs are loose.  We have to have the staff to implement them if we are going to pass bye-laws.  We have five different entrances coming into the regional park so you can’t control it.

MDO says he doesn’t want to put the proposal back to SPC.  We will be forever waiting for an answer.  Would like us to put it on the agenda for next month and get our feedback in the interim.  Maybe introduce time specific bye laws?

Cllr Murphy:  This started in Passage West park when I asked for the sign about dangerous dogs to be put up.  Maybe we should start there?

Cllr McGrath:  The case for the greenway seems clear cut.  Suggests that we do the bye laws for here only?  Disagrees about not sending the issue to SPC.

MDO:  No.  If we do it for the greenway only, everyone will ask why we’re not including the parks.  It is from people with small children in park that my complaints are coming.


(v) Schedule of Municipal Works 2017 

‘Schedule of Municipal Works 2017.pdf’

‘Schedule of Municipal Works note.pdf’

MDO:  We should be reporting back at least on a quarterly basis to the MD to see how the budgets are going.  We haven’t done that to date.  Will do it from now on.

Cllr D’Alton:  Last year there was a H11 code which related specifically and only to the Passage West Greenway.  Where is that this year and will it mitigate against the walkway that it is not there?  Is worried about litter management (E05) and burial ground maintenance (E09) – litter management has nearly halved.  Burial ground maintenance down by €34k.  Good to see expenditure on regional roads and leisure facilities up.  Also wonders about G02 on piers and harbours (G02).  Had a motion in November asking that we would work out a schedule of slip maintenance.  This was based on Budget 2017 which allocated this MD an additional €50,000 for maintenance of piers and harbours.  Doesn’t see that additional money reflected here.

AE:  Is not sure if that additional money would show on this.  Thinks my request from November is being addressed.

MDO:  These are the figures that were adopted in the budget.  Will look into the litter and burial grounds.


(vi) Taxi Ranks Douglas

‘Taxi Ranks Douglas.pdf’

MDO:  After consulting on this, the response that we received was that the only mechanism we can use is by making bye laws under the 2013 Act.  So it is a matter for us to consider if we want to do this or not.  Thought we should talk about it before we draft them.  May make more problems than we can solve.

Cllr McGrath:  It would require bye law changes.  Is happy to proceed with this.  Wants us to consult the taxi people.  Asked that there would be adequate signage.  Makes sense that it would coincide with the pay parking hours.  There will be some taxi spaces still outside Ecos – should consider that we still need 4 spaces there.  This is a significant enough change there.  We will need to clarify that taxi parking will be after hours.

Cllr Jeffers: Sees the valid point of making more spaces available down towards Barrys.  Spoke to the taxi people and thinks it important that we consult with them.  Doesn’t think it feasible that it would revert at 6pm.  Would make policing difficult.  Thinks we should consult APCOA.  How do we make it visible?  Saturday would be an issue.  The numbers of taxis increase on a Saturday.

Cllr D’Alton:  There is a live planning application on Barry’s Field and if it is granted, the taxi rank will go.  Maybe rather than setting into the time and expense of making bye-laws, we should wait until the result of the planning application is clear?  It is at further information stage.

MDO:  If we’re even going to discuss them with people we’re talking signage, etc.  Wrt signage, it is much easier if there is the same rule every day.  Doesn’t see it would be possible to change the rule for Saturdays.  It makes the signage too complicated.  How many spaces do ye want?

Cllr Jeffers says that we should get a formal reply from the taxi people.  Have to remember that many of the taxi drivers are self employed and this is their patch.  This is the only taxi rank in Cork County and it was hard fought for.  We need to respect it.

Cllr Harris:  Thinks we should leave this well alone, especially with the planning application.

Cllr McGrath:  There are different views here.  There are 10 spaces there; parking is at a premium during the day but taxis don’t use it much during the day.  Have never seen more than one or two only during the day.  But it is not so straightforward to bring in the bye-law change.  The enforcement issue is a valid one.  APCOA continue until 6pm – who enforces afterwards?  Thinks the issue was worth considering.

Cllr Canty:  Wait until the development is finalised and a decision is taken.  We can revisit then.


3.  Correspondence

(i) Response from TII re Ringaskiddy Playground – N28

‘TII Correspondence Ringaskiddy Playground – N28.pdf’

Cllr D’Alton:  Can’t help noticing that this is the first time since I was elected that we have had a response from TII on TII headed paper.  Just thinks it is so sad that we’re reduced to this for a pedestrian crossing in the heart of a village in an industrial area beside a children’s playground.  Brought both this and the Castlewhite-N71 junction up at the Southern Committee meeting this morning.  The CRDO said that they would look at it in the next couple of weeks.

Cllr McGrath:  Concurs.  Ringaskiddy is in a unique situation.  The playground is on one side of the road, the village on the other.  Worries about the required studies TII outlines.  Fears Ringaskiddy may not qualify.

Cllr D’Alton asks the AE whether she is familiar with protocol for getting pedestrian crossings in other villages with national roads running through them.

AE:  Thinks that what the CRDO has already done is what they are asking for here.  Other villages with national roads would be Innishannon, Castlemartyr – these are similar but have higher through traffic.  Towns like these will be asking for pedestrians crossings also.  So competitively it may be difficult to make the case for Ringaskiddy.

Cllr McGrath:  Can we ask TII to give credence to some of the unique circumstances in Ringaskiddy?  Heavy industry, etc.

AE:  Expects that if the CRDO is to be asked to look at it, it is to them we should be writing.

Agreed we would do this.


(ii) Response from TII re N71 – Castlewhite Junction

‘TII Correspondence N71 – Castlewhite Junction.pdf’


4.  Disposal of Property

(i) Grant of Wayleave and Right-of-Way at Douglas, Co. Cork to CADO Pvt. Limited, Cinema World, Douglas, Co Cork (plus owners and occupiers of adjoining and adjacent premises) for the consideration of €5,000 plus Council’s costs.

 (ii) Grant of Wayleave and Right-of-Way at Douglas, Co. Cork to Douglas Central Properties Limited, 48 Upper Drumcondra Road, Dublin for the consideration of €5,000 plus Council’s costs.

‘Section 183 Notice.pdf’

MDO:  This was brought to last month’s meeting and we agreed to revisit it.  It has come back to this month’s meeting as two separate proposals.

AE:  The right of way is being sought because the owners will need to cross Council land.

Cllr Harris:  We should be asking a higher price for this.  It is prime land.

MDO: We’re giving a right of way, not selling the land.  The costs involved will be split between the two applicants.

Cllr D’Alton:  Will the right of way be developed so that it is an actual road?  Does this mean the tree line will go?  There is informal parking under the trees used by MacDonalds because often their car park is full.   Will this be gone too?  Also you say it is to facilitate the planning permission but there is no planning permission on this site.  The one in 2011 has expired and another has been lodged recently for an extension but wonders is there a precedent for considering an extension when the original permission has lapsed?  We shouldn’t be facilitating a development that doesn’t have planning permission.

AE:  Thought the planning permission hadn’t fully expired. Thought they had put in for an extension somewhere along the way.

Cllr McGrath agrees with Cllr Harris that this is a very low figure.  The site owners are looking for something significant from the Council in terms of access.

Cllr Jeffers agres with them.  Also agrees with Cllr D’Alton on tree line and parking.

AE:  The strip of ground in question isn’t the width of the table.  It is still providing access but is very small.  These are two properties – one derelict and one semiderelict.  Thinks it is in everybody’s interest to get these places developed.

MDO:  The area is 0.004 of a hectare.  You couldn’t get a shopping trolley through it!

Cllr McGrath suggests we send it back to the Property Section looking for an explanation as to how it was arrived at.  This was agreed.


 5.  GMA/TDF

Grasscutting in difficult estates:
AE got an estimate of €6,000 for all three estates, i.e. €1,800 + VAT per cut for three cuts.  Cautions that if we do this for these three estates, many more estates will be asking next year.

Cllr Jeffers:  Speaking of Pinecroft in particular, it is an area that is not owned by any particular part of the estate.  The residents will never cut it if we don’t.

MDO:  There are other estates throughout the MD that have other large green areas.  They can and will demand the same.  We are talking about consistency ourselves across the MD.  Most of the estates which have larger green areas are larger estates with aging populations.  If we do it this year we’ll have two or three times the number of requests next year.

Cllr O’Donnabhain asks what we’re doing with Muskerry Estate and Highfield in Ballincollig.  People are getting old in Muskerry and in Highfield, the residents on one side can afford to pay whilst those on the other can’t.

Cllr Canty: We always gave our own Council estates ride ons and amenity grants, but if this is happening, I’ll be the first to be asking for our estate to be cut next year.

Cllr Jeffers:  Thinks this is more highlighting a deficiency generally with regard to maintenance of estates.

Cllr Desmond:  Everyone wants their road done; everyone wants their footpath done.  We prioritise these every year.  Doesn’t think the 3 cuts would satisfy residents in other areas.  Parkgate, for example, is meticulous and they have a huge green area.  But they don’t want the Pinecroft arrangement.   These 3 estates that were mentioned the last day keeping being renamed as the ones that are problematic.

Cllr Harris:  These residents cut their grass; ownership of the large green areas is the issue.

Cllr McGrath:  The way we’ve approached this in the last few years has been a fudge.  We have operated by the squeaky wheel approach.  Wants a transparent system put in place now.  These are not traditional greens.

Cllr Jeffers:  Agreed.  People are saying they are paying their property tax and that they get nothing for it.

Cllr Desmond:  Have been approached by other wanting their grass cut and have told them it won’t be done.  Give us some credit!

MDO:  This will have to come out of GMA.  The Area Office doesn’t have the budget.

Agreed that it would be done.


6.  Notices of Motion

To consider the following Notices of Motion in the name of:

Cllr. D Forde

  1. “That the Engineer examines if Cork County Council can assist in minimising anti social behaviour adjacent to Mount Oval.”
  2. “That the Municipal District Manager gives a report on what, if any restrictions, are placed on the erection of satellite dishes on residential properties.”
  3. “That the Engineer considers more safety measures on the zebra crossing at the Fingerpost Roundabout. In particular, motorists coming from the Rochestown Road on to the main Carrigaline Road. More prominent signage is needed and flashing lights on existing poles half way down poles. CCTV cameras to monitor offending motorists would be a big help.”

Cllr Forde wasn’t present.


Cllr. M R Desmond

  1. “To ask the Engineer for an update in relation to the pedestrian crossing near Foxwood School in Rochestown.”

AE:  The school has to carry out road 3 safety audit as part of planning permission.  Understands the safety issue arises when leaving the school.  Our last approach has been to try to get the school to carry out that stage 3 audit.  We can then see what would be the best location for this crossing.


  1. “To ask the Engineer to reinstate existing yellow lines at the front of Parkgate Estate, Grange.”

AE:  This is no problem.


Cllr. S McGrath

  1. “To seek an explanation as to why grass was not cut in many areas until the first week of May.”

Cllr McGrath:  This issue has come to me as a public rep.  It isn’t a surprise that we need to cut the grass until March.  Presume there is an explanation as to why it wasn’t cut until May and would like to hear it.

AE:  The grasscutting contract didn’t go out until later this year.  There were several reasons for that.  A lot of areas formerly done by the Gateway staff have to come back into the contract.  Crosshaven had to be included.  We were also busy and the weather was so favourable the growing season came on us earlier.  There were many areas around Carrigaline that were done as an extension of our last contract.  This year’s contract itself started in mid April.  The full area wasn’t completed until early May but there were plenty of areas done well before that.  The first cut takes the longest.  Hopes that there will be a noticeable improvement and will make it easier going forward.


  1. “To request a report outlining the proposed infrastructural improvements to be carried from the special planning contributions associated with the Education Campus site at Ballinrea, Carrigaline.”

‘Cllr McGrath NOM 2.pdf’

AE confirms that there is an uncontrolled crossing at Ashgrove roundabout at present and this is to upgraded in association with the campus.  Ballinrea Cross equally so.


  1. “To have a discussion about possible preventative measures against anti-social behaviour (outside normal hours of use) at the Carrigaline playground.”

‘Cllr McGrath NOM 3.pdf’

Cllr McGrath:  Something unsavoury was left in the playground recently.  The idea of locking it has come up.  Is this something we can consider?  Do the reports to your office merit it?  The gardai get called there on occasion and sometimes lock the playground themselves.

In Douglas they pay someone to do it.

AE:  We are aware there is a problem.  A member of staff does it in the Regional Park.  It is done voluntarily in Douglas through the community association.  The issue of locking it is down to financial resources.

MDO:  Even if you lock the playground, they’ll still have access to the park.

Cllr Murphy:  Same in Passage.  There’s bigger young fellas there late at night.  Maybe the gardai should be more active.

Cllr D’Alton:  Similar issue in Monkstown playground recently.  A swing has been detached and the surface of the playground damaged.  In Passage they hang out after hours but they’re just sitting; there is no damage.  Monkstown has a park situation similar to Carrigaline.  Have always been conscious when this issue came up before wrt Passage that Pat O’Sullivan used to say when the playground in Carrigaline was installed first it was locked.  There was more damage then than when it was subsequently left open.  Opening it removed the challenge.

Cllr Harris:  Suggests we look at lighting there.  Thinks lighting is poor in the park.

MDO:  Tidy Towns people would then complain that we were disturbing the birds and bats.

Cllr McGrath:  Doesn’t agree that there more issues when the park was locked.  There are more issues there now.  Some are of an unsavoury nature.  Gardai who were there when the park was locked say that there were fewer incidents when the park was locked.  Thinks that if this get worse, we will have to be prepared to act on it.


Cllr. D Canty

  1. “That the Members of Ballincollig/Carrigaline Municipal District be updated on the proposed horse grazing project at the Lee Road.”

Residents are very upset.  This is coming in under the radar.

  1. “That an update be given in relation to line painting in the Ballincollig area.”
  2. “That the Engineer gives a report on the remedial works on the bad areas of footpaths in the Ballincollig area.”

‘Cllr Canty NOM 1.pdf’

‘Cllr Canty NOM 2.pdf’

‘Cllr Canty NOM 3.pdf’

Cllr Canty thanks the engineer for the responses.


Cllr. E Jeffers

  1. “That Grange Heights be given consideration for future footpath works programs.”

Cllr Jeffers:  Last works done here was 10 years ago.  To the RHS of entrance the path is away from the wall.  Is hazardous.


  1. “That there would be a development along the boundary ditches of Grange Heights running along the Grange Road for a specific area for flowers or other items as to give this area a significant visual benefit.”

Cllr Jeffers:  There used to be a nice patch here where the residents planted flowers.  Nice features and the Grange Road lacks features.  Would there be scope there that the residents could develop a small little area.  They want a clean patch, perhaps could be done in relation with Douglas Tidy Towns.

AE:  There is a very active residents group in Grange Heights.  They have approached us before in relation to tidy up that area at the entrance to the estate.   Many are now moving on a bit.  We would be willing to help them out.  Needs to be teased out a bit more.  Not sure if we could do much but it would be would be willing to assist if plans were scaled back over a small area.

We’re well aware about the footpaths.  We will address next year and if there is an isolated hazard, let us know.


  1. “To seek a written report on the possibility of implementing a pedestrian crossing within the vicinity of the entrance to Herons Wood and the bus stop on the road heading out of Carrigaline. The report should include the cost and any plans old or new to implement a pedestrian crossing in this area.”

Cllr Jeffers:  Glad to see there have been contribution levies put in place for this.


Cllr. D O’Donnabhain

  1. “That this Municipal District requires the employment of a full time park warden for the Ballincollig Regional Park.”

Cllr O’Donnabhain:  Asking for someone for Friday, Saturday, Sunday and bank holidays to be employed.  There have been some unsavoury incidents recently.  Gives some examples of when rules weren’t obeyed.  Describes an issue which led to the late opening of the park.  Attempt by person to bring a sulky into the park.  People not enforcing the dangerous dogs act.  We need a full time warden.  So much money has been spent in this park that it warrants it.

MDO:  There is a financial implication with this proposal.  We have to have at least 2 people.  Can’t do with one.  Staffing is something for the CE and we can refer this to him.


  1. “That this Municipal District would call on Cork County Council to introduce bye-laws preventing the placement of election posters in public areas.”

‘Cllr O Donnabhain NOM 2.pdf’

Cllr O’Donnabhain:  This is an issue that was brought up at a recent meeting.  Thinks it would be great if it came as a proposal from this MD.

Cllr D’Alton:  It was brought up as part of the signage policy development at the Environment SPC.  Was proposed but didn’t gain any traction.  The disbenefits of election posters outweigh the benefits.  Think it would be excellent if this MD could propose.

Cllr McGrath:  We had this decision taken at full Council in the past.  It wasn’t approached nationally.  The idea of designated areas for postering is the way to go.  To me, health and safety is the biggest issue.  The posters can fall or blow off on top of a car.

The MDO explained that this is a decision that can be taken only nationally.  We can’t introduce bye-laws ourselves to cover this.  We can make an alternative proposal to contact the Department about it.  Cllr O’Donnabhain would need to accept this alternative proposal as an amendment to his motion

Cllr D’Alton suggests wording.  Cllr O’Donnabhain accepts.  It was agreed that the MD writes to the Department to ask them to pass bye-laws to prohibit the hanging of election posters in public places.


  1. “This Municipal District requests double yellow lines to be painted on the approach road to the Ballincollig Regional park, in particular from the bend in the road for 200m, and also in the region of the entrance to Westcourt/Westcourt Heights.”

‘Cllr O’Donnabhain NOM 3.pdf’

Cllr O’Donnabhain:  Describes dreadful parking in this area.  Can be packed with cars leading to hazard, in particular with cars parking on the bend.  Gardai didn’t respond when called about it.  If the fire brigade had been called to the park, they couldn’t access it.  So asking for double yellow lines to be painted.


7.  Votes of Congratulations

Cllr Desmond for Peter O’Keeffe of Frankfield.
Cllr Murphy for Cody Barrett – won gold medal in karate nationals
Cllr Harris for Peter O’Flynn – Mr. Cork body building championship
Cllr Jeffers for Everton Football Club – senior team for promotion


8.  Any Other Business

Cllr Jeffers:  Land beside Douglas GAA Club is for sale.  Asks that the Council would make a serious community investment in buying this patch of land.  It is a place of anti-social behaviour, so has a dual benefit.

Cllr D’Alton and Cllr Harris support.  Cllr D’Alton says there is an acknowledged shortage of recreational space in Douglas.

Cllr McGrath says he has already spoken to the CE about this but no harm that it is brought up at MD level too.

MDO asks whether Douglas GAA has not bought additional land recently.

Cllr Jeffers says the land is unlikely to be suitable for anything other than recreation.

Cllr D’Alton describes latest damage in the Monkstown playground.  AE says she got a phone call to the office about it also and they will look at it.

Cllr McGrath says there are bollards on the R610 between Raffeen Tce and N28 that are unsightly. Asks that they would be looked at.  Also there is a manhole by the entrance to Robert’s Bridge car park.  The surface of the road around it has broken away.

Notes from a meeting of full Council on the Cross River Ferry – Raffeen Bridge Greenway, 08-05-2017


MANAGER’S REPORT UNDER SECTION 179, PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ACT, 2000:  Proposed Development of Pedestrian and Cycle Greenway and Ancillary Works from Glenbrook to Raffeen Bridge

Cllr Canty (FG):  As Chair of the Municipal District, is pleased to propose this project.  It would be a great asset to the Monkstown – Raffeen area.

Cllr Desmond (FF):  Is against the proposal as it stands.  Acknowledges the work that has been done in-house but there are concerns with this particular route.  Takes in an existing and established walkway.  Is predominantly used by elderly people.  The shared use is what is causing the issue.  The primary users of this pathway would be like skittles.  There is a strong tradition of fishing off the quay wall.  That’s posing a problem too.  Very disappointed that the concerns that have been raised by Members and the public haven’t been able to be addressed.

Cllr Collins (FG):  Supports Cllr Canty in proposing this.  Thinks it a pity that a section of a 25km walk from Páirc Uí Chaoimh to Crosshaven would be discontinued for this section.  It’s not for the people of Monkstown, Glenbrook and Raffeen; it’s for everyone.  We’re trying to encourage everyone to get out and be active.  Very disappointing that there isn’t support for it.  There are safety issues but the greenway from Carrigaline to Crosshaven is a shared space as is the rest of the line and there have yet to be accidents.

Cllr D’Alton (Ind):  Thanks the team working in-house on this, especially Clare Cronin, for a very long time.  Think the concept was first introduced to us in 2012.  Am generally very much in favour of development of greenways all around Cork Harbour.  Many years ago a railway line ran between Blackrock and Crosshaven.  A greenway has been developed along the route between Blackrock and Passage West and between Carrigaline and Crosshaven.  It is off road nearly all the way.  This proposal is for part of the section that would connect the two.  In one section it isn’t for off-road but on an existing footpath.  Many of the older and more vulnerable users who couldn’t deal with the bicycles on the Passage West to Hop Island section moved to this footpath for walking.  It is wide and flat and known as the Cardiac Mile.  It is their only physical and social outlet.  They will not be able to share this surface with bikes and so they will have nowhere to go.  The path runs alongside a busy, fast moving regional road.  There is real risk to cyclists of falling off the path onto the road.  They are totally unprotected.  But there a second stretch of this proposed route where the road is winding and dangerous and here we can provide off-road greenway.  Would be real benefits from developing this section.  If this part of the proposal could be separated out, would support.  But it is being presented as one proposal and so very sadly cannot support it.

Cllr Jeffers (SF):  Sinn Féin won’t be supporting this proposal.  Elderly people use this walkway because it is not congested with traffic.  We are in favour of cycle lanes.  In Passage, people are not using the route because of the business.  This is too close to a busy road.  Has been speaking to a few anglers on the walkway.  They have been there for years.  There has been accommodation further down but they won’t use that point because the fishing isn’t good for them there.  They say they won’t move from the place they fish in.

Cllr Forde (FG):  Very seldom that I disagree with you, Mayor, but have to say that we don’t live in an ideal world.   Not all projects are ideal.  It’s not long ago that people in Rochestown didn’t even have footpath.  They had to walk against a wall and you know what the population of Rochestown is like. Hop Island to Passage West is a wonderful amenity.  The Blackrock Greenway is a wonderful amenity.  It is not ideal – dogs running loose, cyclists.  I travel extensively and when I go abroad I see that shared surfaces are normal.  You get used to the bicycle bells.  We will lose the money if we don’t pass this proposal.  Thinks we should pass and adapt as time goes on, improving on the bits that aren’t entirely satisfactory.  Supports.

Cllr Harris (Ind):  On balance, thinks we should support it.  It has been around a long time.  These issues that have been raised can be dealt with in the fullness of time.  On the balance of evidence, supports.

Cllr Murphy (SF):  I cycle a lot around that area.  Is worried because the one from Rochestown isn’t working if you listen to the people around the area.

Cllr McGrath (FF):  From the outset has raised serious concerns about the shared use of the footpath.  Had hoped that the issues would be addressed through the process but they haven’t.  Appreciates that there are physical restrictions.  Compliments Clare Cronin on the work she has done.  My position has been consistent on shared use.  Thinks it should have a 4 metre width similar to the Douglas Amenity Park.  We have two existing greenways.  Sees issues with them very regularly.  People don’t know what side of the path they should be at.  There’s no proper Code of Conduct in place.  Gets complaints from users.  Thinks there is a particular safety issue with the path beside the busy regional road.  Especially with families on bicycles which is the type of user we’re promoting.  Put forward a number of suggestions that didn’t happen. Isn’t prepared to support it.  It is now proposed to suspend the greenway through Monkstown; thinks it should be extended further to accommodate existing walkers.  The harbour has to be for all users.

CE:  Continous development of the Cork Harbour Greenway is a prioritised project within the Council.  There is significant demand from other regions for in-house resources to develop other greenways.  There are certain constraints in the area as there would be in developing any other greenway.  We’re not talking about a shared footpath; we’re talking about a shared greenway.  Can assure members that this particular greenway is designed within the guidelines that are there to provide for safe greenways and situations that are not dangerous to users.  Provides for a variety of widths.  Is reduced to 3 metres in the section that is causing the challenge.  Is still within the guidelines.  Members might recall that the Waterford greenway is 3 metres wide, albeit in a different scenario.  It is neither lined nor segregated.  It is natural that there would be a level of uncertainty among certain users.  Went there myself.  Spent time, walked it.  Saw leisure cyclists using the existing footpath as a shared space on the footpath that is causing the problem.  So we are increasing safety for the people currently using it.  Members need to consider this.  There will be no other proposal coming before Council on this particular section of greenway.

Cllr Linehan Foley (Ind) speaks of how wonderful the Waterford Greenway is and what an asset it is to the region.

Cllr D’Alton (Ind) says the Waterford Greenway is a totally different scenario.  There is a far lower level of use there.  This proposal is for a commuter route in a suburban area.  Many Members voiced their disagreement with this.

Cllr Canty (FG) repeats the proposal.  Cllr Forde (FG) says we’ll lose €3.5m of funding.

The proposal is put to a vote.  22 in favour, 20 against, 3 abstain.  The proposal is carried.


My submission to the consultation on the National Clean Air Strategy

Another gruesomely last minute submission to what was too important a consultation not to have an input to.  Submissions on the National Clean Air Strategy were invited by the Department of Communications, Climate Action and the Environment.  It would be rewarding if even some of the actions asked for below were given credence in the final Strategy.

Cllr Marcia D’Alton
22 Hillcrest,
Pembroke Wood,
Passage West,
Co. Cork.

To whom it may concern

I should be grateful if the following comments would be taken into account in the drafting of the National Clean Air Strategy.

All Environmental Impact Statements accompanying planning applications should be required to measure down to at least PM1.  At present, planning applications rarely discuss particulates smaller than PM2.5.

Establish a network of units monitoring air pollution in real time so that communities can be informed of air quality in their local area.  At present, the network of real time monitoring is abysmal and not at all in compliance with Ireland’s requirements under European legislation.  Critical parameters would include PM10, PM2.5, PM1 and ozone.  Real time results would be made fully accessible to all through the internet.

Install comprehensive ambient air monitoring units in all Strategic Employment Areas and zones of industrial development.

Through the planning process, establish a minimum acceptable distance of 300 metres between schools and busy roads.

Develop a policy of constructing ring roads around cities, thereby keeping traffic from travelling unnecessarily through residential areas.  Urban motorways through residential areas must be discouraged at all costs.  As mentioned in the discussion document, residential areas already deal with the build-up of residential pollutants.  It is absolutely unacceptable that they would also have to deal with pollutants from traffic on urban motorways.

Encourage dense planting of mature trees along major roads to act both as a visual/psychological barrier between traffic and residential homes and as a pollutant sink.

Extend the financing of significantly enhanced public transport to areas outside of Dublin.  At present, many living in suburban homes in cities outside of Dublin cannot take their cars off the road long enough to get them valeted.  A congestion charge as suggested in the discussion document would be entirely unacceptable when no reasonable alternative to the private car is on offer.  That is the case for those living in most urban areas outside of Dublin.

Facilitate the development of cycling as a real alternative to the private car.  Policy and funding needs to stop considering cycling within periurban as recreational.  In my Ballincollig-Carrigaline Municipal District of County Cork, greenways compete for the same tiny funding pot as tourism routes such as the Waterford Greenway.  Yet the level of bicycle/pedestrian traffic they are expected to carry in what are generally more restricted spaces is vast multiples of that which the more rural routes carry.  They need separate consideration and additional, dedicated investment.

Most major ports are adjacent to residential areas.  Yet there is never any independent ambient air monitoring to assuage affected residents.  This is especially critical for ports handling bulk cargo.  It is imperative that all major ports would be obliged to install real-time ambient air monitoring to measure parameters representative of the by-products of engine and generator emissions.  It is equally imperative that all ports, regardless of size, which handle bulk cargo would be obliged to install real-time monitoring to measure levels of particulate in ambient air.

Shoreside electrical power to be provided at all ports which ships berthing overnight should be obliged to use in preference to their own generators.

Often the most polluting offenders in a port situation are partner companies conveying, handling and storing dusty bulk cargo in warehouses and grain stores adjacent to the port.  These companies are not subject to any form of monitoring either by the Environmental Protection Agency or the local authority.  Nor at the time of planning application are they considered to be potential pollutors under the Air Pollution Act.  This must change.

Disappointing to see that waste to energy gets only a glancing mention in the discussion document.  National waste policy sets an upper acceptable limit for the combined capacity of waste to energy facilities to be provided in Ireland.  Taking both constructed and permitted facilities into account, this national upper capacity limit has been reached.  Therefore in accordance with current waste policy, planning permission should not be granted for any additional waste to energy facilities in Ireland.  Energy from the combustion of residual waste is not clean energy.  Feedstock is unpredictable and dirty.  Emissions quality is utterly dependent on the efficacy of a series of scrubbers and other pollution control equipment.  Energy conversion into electricity is grossly inefficient.

European policy is that waste combustion in incinerators must always be classified as waste disposal (D10) unless it can prove that it is energy recovery (R1).  In Ireland, we grant planning permission to incinerators merely on the promise of their delivering R1.  It is essential that Irish policy reflects European policy in this regard and that the infrastructure necessary to efficiently use both the heat and electricity generated by the waste combustion process would form an integral part of the planning application for any new incineration facility.

Vastly improved resourcing for local authorities to carry out their functions under the Air Pollution Act is essential.  At present, they are barely struggling.  Perhaps consider an environmental fund at national level financed via pollution levies which could, over a defined period of time, be used to fund the setting up of properly resourced air monitoring functions within local authorities.

We have no strategies in place in this country by which to tackle existing pollution.  For example, ambient air monitoring in the village of Monkstown on the shores of Cork Harbour, was conducted by the EPA over a 7 month period during 2007/2008.  It found that levels of PM10 were high.  The resulting recommendation was that PM10 would be monitored continuously.  In the following 12 years, traffic has multiplied, permission has been granted for a major port facility nearby, third party grain storage and handling has increased, new industrial facilities have established and planning permission is now being sought to convey all port goods by road via an urban motorway.  Yet ambient levels of any size of particulate matter have never been measured again.

I attach a motion I proposed to Cork County Council in February 2016 requesting real-time ambient air monitoring in Cork Harbour.

Air monitoring in Cork Harbour


Marcia D’Alton.
Independent Member, Cork County Council

Mobile: 085 – 7333852
Twitter: @marciadalton