Bumblebee Workshop: 24th May
Butterfly Workshop: 25th May
(You can attend one or both.)
Monitoring bumblebee and butterfly populations is an important means of measuring change in the environment as well as the state of habitats for biodiversity. It is also a useful way that both professional ecologists and volunteers can contribute to the conservation of these and other insects.
Tomás Murray of the National Biodiversity Data Centre will introduce the biology and the species of Irish bumblebees and butterflies, and provide training on how to monitor both groups of pollinators according to international standards. You’ll also get to spend a few hours in the field honing your identification skills for both groups and practice the necessary skills to become a recorder for the National Biodiversity Data Centre’s butterfly and bumblebee monitoring schemes.
Course Details
The course is free of charge and suitable for members of community based organisations with an interest in, or who are actively involved in promoting biodiversity.
- No prior experience is required.
- In terms of materials, nets and identification books will be provided.
- Bring a notepad if you wish. You will not need anything else.
- Lunch will be provided.
- Please dress appropriately for going outside.
- Courses start at 10am each day, but you need to arrive at 9:45 for registration.
- SECAD will be the venue and directions can be found at the following link: http://www.secad.ie/contact
9:45 – 10:00 Registration
10:00 – 10:45 Introduction to the national monitoring schemes.
11:00 – 12:45 Bumblebee biology and identification.
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 16:00 Practice identification and monitoring skills in the field.*
To book: You can register by emailing biodiversity@secad.ie or online at: https://www.facebook.com/SECADBTeam/