Rowan View Developments applied for planning permission to Cork County Council for the development of 24 No. apartments, access, car parking, bicycle storage, refuse storage, amenity areas and landscaping on the green in front of Doodlebugs in Pembroke Wood, Passage West. The planning application ref. is 17/05739.
The County Council requested that Rowan View Developments would provide further information. That was lodged with the County Council on 2nd February. The Council have assessed it and have deemed it significant. That means the further information will be thrown open for commentary to those who have already made submissions. Those comments/additional submissions have to be received by the Planning Office by or on 15th February.
The further information documents are available to view in the Planning Department, County Hall. They are not available on-line yet and until they are, you can access some of the key ones below. Let me know if you would like any particular ones emailed to you in higher resolution.
Further information response letter:
Solicitor’s letter: