The Part 8 planning application phase of the Clarke’s Hill upgrade began yesterday, 29th January.
The scheme includes for a carriageway typically widened to 6m, 2 no. 2m footpaths, upgraded bus set-down locations and renewed boundary walls/fences. The current signalised junction at the upper (southern) entrance to the Mount Oval housing estate will be upgraded. A new signalised junction will be installed at the lower (northern) entrance to the Mount Oval housing estate and the junction between the R610 and the L2471 will be signalised. There will be a new right hand turning lane from Clarke’s Hill onto the R610 and likewise from the R610 onto Clarke’s Hill.
Scheme plans and drawings are on display at County Hall and at the Carrigaline Area Office. A link will also be put on That link hasn’t been made yet so until then, you can access the plans and drawings here:
Submissions in relation to the proposed development may be made on or before 3pm on Monday 26th March 2018 in writing to the
Senior Engineer,
Clarke’s Hill Road – Part 8 Planning,
Road Design Office,
Cork County Council,
Co. Cork.
There is no fee for making a submission.