1. Confirmation of Minutes
To consider the confirmation and signing of the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 16th January 2017.
Cllr D’Alton (Ind): Correction – The Island as referred to in the minutes is in Ringaskiddy. So the casual trading areas to be included are Roberts Bridge, Passage West and the Island, Ringaskiddy.
The MDO also had a correction on Cllr Harris’s motion which will be incorporated.
Matters arising:
Cllr McGrath (FF): The Douglas Community Park bollards are damaged again. Also asks that we look into the mobile traffic calming units proposed at full Council.
AE: We have replacement bollards and lots more than is there at present ordered for the Community Park. A guidance document on the traffic calming units was produced recently. She will have to do more detailed investigation but the Council generally is in support of them. They need to be moved relatively regularly to stay being effective.
Cllr D’Alton (Ind): Is there any update from the planning department on Marino Point?
MDO: Received a phone call from the Director of Services on Friday but he is away today. Will keep after it.
Cllr Desmond (FF): Is there any update on taking in charge of Mount Oval?
AE: It has been decided to take the main estate road in charge as is. There may be a formal procedure with ourselves. There was a lack of information to say whether the through road should have been part of the development solely and hadn’t been taken in charge in any way to date. The understanding now is that the Council will move to take it in charge. There will be no talks with the developer about a pedestrian crossing. A pedestrian crossing was not part of the planning permission. The developer is going through the motions for taking in charge different pockets of the estate at the moment.
Cllr D’Alton (Ind): If the main estate road is being taken in charge, is there any proposal to request that the developer should fix the broken fencing on the N28 on-ramp?
MDO says we shouldn’t be talking about this here. We don’t have a report from the planners and it’s not fair to be bringing it up now. We’ll get a timeline on this taking in charge if we can.
Cllr McGrath (FF): In support of the councillors, it is a large development and it is very unusal for a development to be taken in charge without being completed. Could we ask for a report, including the pedestrian crossing?
MDO: Agreed.
2. Consideration of Reports and Recommendations
(a) Donnybrook Hill Pedestrian Enhancement Scheme – Part 8 Manager’s Report
‘170215 Donnybrook Hill Pedestrian Enhancement Scheme – Part 8 Manager’s Report.pdf’
Gillian Vaughan, Traffic and Transport:
We got three submissions back to the Part 8 planning process. The scheme has been well received generally. It will provide continuous and enhanced pedestrian connectivity. There will be enhanced safety at Grange Cross. A new roundabout will be constructed at Castletreasure grove and Bracken Court. Scart Cross will be realigned and the bus will be extended to Scart Cross. It will be highlighted as the gateway to the urban area with an improved public realm throughout. The scheme will be delivered incrementally as funding is available. There will be land acquisition required for the scheme to be completed in totality. The NTA is getting positive feedback on the recent work at Hillcourt.
The first submission was from Irish Water. This was a standard submission – not to start work without letting them know.
The next was from Mr. Liam Maloney, on behalf of the residents of Hillcourt: This submission is highlighting the urgency of the scheme. He wanted to make sure there were speed ramps at the controlled pedestrian crossings at Hillcourt.
There will be a table at the crossing and there will be raised tables throughout the scheme too.
The third submission is from Ms Dymphna Velon. She is concerned about the construction of the roundabout at Bracken Court. She doesn’t want the trees and wall outside Castetreasure Grove removed. The carriageway is excessively wide there, there are too high speeds, there is no bus stop because it stops at Scart Cross. So pedestrian crossing facilities were also an issue which she raised too. Lack of connectivity for pedestrians is also an issue. All things considered, the Council thinks the roundabout is the only appropriate solution to allow the bus to continue to meet the residents of Bracken Court and Castletreasure Grove because it allows it to turn without doing a three point turn in the middle of the road. We have said that we will try and protect as many trees as possible and if trees are taken out, we’ll try to replant where we can save them.
Cllr Forde (FG): Thanks for the work. It was difficult but way overdue.
Cllr Jeffers also praised the scheme and asked for clarification on an area.
Cllr McGrath (FF): This area of Douglas needed infrastructural improvement. Compliments the Council on work undertaken at the end of last year. There was lots of progress with Hillcourt in particular. There is funding allocated for 2017 (€200k) – how far will that go? Detailed design will presumably take up some. Thinks a landscaping plan is welcome.
Cllr D’Alton (Ind): Was trying to figure out from the drawings what proposals the scheme has for alongside the stone bridge by Breen’s. There is an issue with drainage before and on the bridge which is causing the water to lodge and is undermining the stone wall of the bridge. Douglas Tidy Towns brought a stone wall expert to advise on fixing some of the broken wall of the bridge and he advised that the drainage will need attention.
GV: There is €200k allocated but some has to go towards finishing off payments for work undertaken in 2016. We used all allocations for 2016 and went slightly into this year’s allocations. We had detailed design done for the Hillcourt region at the end of last year, including the table crossing and footpaths north of Hillcourt. So we are confident that we can get that work done this year. We will go for detailed design for as much as we can maybe as far as Scart Cross including the roundabout. We will work towards the south first because the roudnabout is important. But we won’t be able to get the roundabout constructed this year.
We will be putting a footpath alongside the stone wall of the bridge and will be doing a CPO on the other side to widen the road. So this work won’t be done for quite some time. The drainage on the bridge will be subject to detailed design. We want to start with Hillcourt to Bracken Court because this is more straightforward. There is a lot of detail from Calderwood down to Breen’s etc.
Cllr D’Alton: If a footpath is going in by the stone wall of the bridge, will the height of the wall not be a safety issue?
GV: Yes, safety may be an issue with the height of the wall. This is al to be done in the detailed design.
(b) 2017 Restoration Improvement roads programme
Cllr D’Alton (Ind): The road surface outside St. Gerards Terrace is very poor. Knows the Area Office is aware of it and understands that addressing it was put off because of the proposal to put a retirement village on Hop Island. Now that this isn’t going ahead, are there plans to address it this year.
AE: Yes, it is very poor and the intention is to do it in 2018. It is a big job because there is no proper structure road there. Also this will give time to make sure the retirement village plan is definitely not happening.
Cllr McGrath comments that some new roads have been put on but wonders if some have been taken off to accommodate.
AE: Yes, the Ballea Road has been taken off for the moment. The Lower Harbour scheme will potentially include this. So it is deferred until next year when there is clarity on this. Douglas village has been taken off. We have a plan to underground services in Douglas West. It is better to do this ahead of the resurfacing. The Grange Rd has also been taken off because we did some temporary works there last year and think it is safe now for another year. It has been deferred for a full resurfacing until 2018.
Cllr McGrath (FF): There are mainly estate roads on the list? Is there anything on this list for the Bandon-Kinsale area? Has got many queries in recent times for Bothar Glas.
AE: The only road to be done in the Bandon-Kinsale area is the Crosshaven Road. But this is our restoration improvement programme. There will be other programmes coming to us and there may be other roads included.
Cllr Murphy (SF): Is the full estate in Rockenham being done?
AE: Doesn’t want to give definite lengths until prices come back but hopes to do full length of the first terrace and the area off the roundabout. That may change!
Cllr Forde (FG): Limetrees Road East is desperate. There are huge holes there. Was asked if the velocity patcher could be used here but knows it isn’t appropriate. What can we do here?
AE: Unfortunately knows it is in poor condition and there are many others the same. Will have limited scope to address these in other programmes but Limetrees Road will take a lot of money. Would think it possibly best to fill the potholes this year and tackle it properly next year.
Cllr Forde (FG): How long are we waiting for the Douglas Court roundabout to be removed? There’s no doing anything with it.
AE: Yes, has hung back on doing anything there. The Douglas Court revamp may prompt examination of this junction. The surface of the roundabout has deteriorated to an almost dangerous level. So we’re not proposing to do an indepth structural job on the roundabout but we have to make it safer because none of us know when the junction will be done. Can’t leave it any more.
Cllr Forde: There will be development charges and if the roundabout is to be left there, we should have a sculpture or something on it.
AE: Agree and knows we have been saying for a long time that the roundabout will be going but it is definitely going! We just don’t know when but know it will not be this year.
Cllr Jeffers: Asks for clarification on the Newton Court stretch.
AE: From the entrance to Newton Court down to the T-junction which is in bad condition.
AE clarifies that prices are going to determine what lengths of road are to be done.
(c) Curraheen Road Bridge Replacement – Progress Update
‘Curraheen Road Bridge Replacement – Progress Update.pdf’
MDO: An update from the City Council was circulated for information. The work will be done during school holidays.
3. General Municipal Allocation 2017/Town Development Fund 2017
The closing date was Friday. We received over 40 applications for the Amenity Scheme alone. There is some confusion in relation to the Community Contracts. We are speaking about these only in relation to Tidy Towns groups. Residents groups aren’t eligible. We’ll be coming back to Members after we have gone through them. The aim will be to have them approved at the March meeting.
Cllr McGrath wonders about applications coming in from the southern side of Carrigaline.
MDO says there were applications coming in for everywhere – Cobh, Bandon-Kinsale …. They were all date-stamped as being received and sent to where they should be.
4. To consider the following Notices of Motion in the name of:
Cllr. D Forde
“Given the recent figures supplied for other MD areas for usage of velocity patchers, conventional hot patchers, and delay set macadam, can the engineer confirm usage of each for Ballincollig/Carrigaline MD.”
Cllr Forde (FF): The velocity patcher is not suitable in estate roads but each Municipal District is allocated a velocity patcher. Wants to make sure we’re not losing out because we’re not using it.
AE: The velocity patcher is paid for out of our normal road maintenance budget. Doesn’t recommend it for in estate roads because the surface finish is a loose chip finish that when you’re in estates, people drag it into their houses, the drains are filling up with stones, you have bikes and children skidding on loose material, you have chips all over the road, traffic is more intense in an estate, you have the potential for bikes skidding on it.
Cllr D’Alton: Most of the members were asked about resurfacing Strawberry Hill last year. This is a country road. Would it not be suitable there or for roads like this?
AE: Yes. There are roads in our Municipal District it is suitable for and we do use it. There just aren’t very many roads and so we don’t use it very much.
“That the area engineer asks the engineer in charge of lighting to check if it is feasible to install lighting from Curraheen Woods to Hanley’s corner and that the trees lining this stretch of road be trimmed and cut back.”
Cllr Forde withdraws this motion.
Cllr. S McGrath
“To request that the Council carry out works to improve the capacity of the Bothar Guidel junction with Church Road, Carrigaline. Traffic congestion is severe in the vicinity of this junction at peak times and it is essential that significant improvement works are carried out.”
Cllr McGrath (FF): This junction gets a lot of the attention with regard to the debate around traffic. There are bad tailbacks in every direction at peak both morning and evening. Understands some assessment has taken place and put a motion down to get more information. Thinks improvements can be done subject to funding. Gives some suggestions .. …
AE: We have tried different modifications with the traffic lights to try to optimise through traffic through the junction. Volumes have increased hugely in the last 2 years. That’s the basic problem. Thinks we have done everything that we can to make sure the lights are as efficient as they can be. There is a study ongoing now – will be reported on later this year – will highlight small term improvements that could be made for traffic flow throughout Carrigaline in general. For the traffic coming from Crosshaven that wants to turn right, it is set so a minimum of 10 cars can go through. The idea is to flush out the right turners so the straight through traffic can get through. The bridge is the main constriction. Coming from the Area Office on Church Road, the straight ahead lane is half empty, the right hand turning lane is usually totally empty. So increasing the lane length approaching the lights won’t make a huge difference. That particular work would be expensive – it would call for resetting everything back into the park. We’ll wait and see what recommendations come out of this study. An external body is doing the assessment. Doesn’t know when it will be reporting.
Cllr McGrath asks that we might get an update on when this might be complete.
“To request resurfacing works in the carpark of the Carrigaline Community Centre.”
‘Response NOM 2 Cllr. McGrath.pdf’
Cllr McGrath (FF): The surface of the car park is shocking. Drainage works are to be largely to the rear of the building. Even temporary works would be worthwhile if we can’t do a proper resurfacing job.
AE: We will look at doing a short term job only. Yes the drainage works are to be to the rear of the building but all the construction traffic will be coming in through the car park.
“To seek an update from the Engineer on proposals for additional safe crossings on the Grange Road and to seek clarity on the amount of planning contributions which may be available to fund such works.”
Cllr McGrath (FF): This has been raised before. It is a difficult, wide road. Hopes the Council sought planning contributions from the new Supervalu towards improved userability of the Grange Road.
AE: Have requested that the Grange Road be reviewed in its entirety as is being done on Donnybrook Hill. Am slow to move in isolation to put in crossings without looking at the overall layout. Doesn’t see this happening in the short term. Does accept that there might be upgrading of the uncontrolled crossing at Clifton. There was always an intention that a special planning contributions would be levied on the Supervalu development but the levy didn’t go on. Has requested that some of the standard planning contributions would come towards that.
Cllr Forde (FG): Acknowledges that there was a temporary median put in at Clifton. The section of road there is very wide. There was thought that it might be put in by the doctor/chemist. There is need for something at the Clifton entrance. A lot of residents ask for a crossing for when they get off the bus at Grange Park rather than be walking up the hill to the controlled rossing or down to Grange Cross.
Cllr D’Alton said that this latter is a valid concern – it has also been expressed to her by an elderly resident.
AE: Can’t help residents of one estate without helping the others. Wants to do an overall review rather than doing a kneejerk reaction to the requests of some residents.
Cllr Harris (Ind): Asks for a yellow box outside Clifton. Wonders would it help. The Supervalu/Aldi junction is an issue.
AE: A yellow box is not going to help. Speed and lack of visibility is not going to be addressed by a yellow box. They are my understanding of the problem for the people in Clifton. The yellow box would help residents to get out only if the traffic were stopped. Has no suggestions for the Aldi junction.
Cllr Desmond (FF): Fear from pedestrians on that road has escalated.
AE: The answer to everything here is that a request be made that the Grange Road would be looked at in entirety with regard to pedestrian enhancement if the Members would like to request it. Knows that as part of the LUTS, one of the proposals is the East-West link bridge. Would bring traffic directly from the Old Carrigaline Road onto the Grange Road, exacerbating the current traffic situation.
Cllr Jeffers (SF): Agrees that a full review is the best way forward. Around Clifton – I had a motion here around the pedestrian crossing and Cllr McGrath had one before about a yellow box. At peak time here, traffic is backing up beyond the car park and sometimes up to the church. Remembers that the AE had formerly said you don’t put yellow boxes everywhere but would there be a case for one where traffic exits Clifton and tries to turn right?
AE: It is correct that I am reluctant to put in a yellow box everywhere. Everyone in every estate has to deal with the frustration of trying to get out. If there is a huge issue in relation to people trying to get out of Clifton at peak times, doesn’t have a huge problem with it but would like to investigate it a bit more. Thought the issue in Clifton was more to do with the safety.
Cllr Jeffers: Agrees that there are a multiple of complications.
Cllr D’Alton: Do we need to formally request that such a review would be carried out? Does it need to come through a motion or can it be a formal resolution of the Members? Of whom is the request made?
AE: It should be requested of the Traffic and Transportation section of the Council.
Cllr McGrath: Thanks all for support. We will formally contact Traffic and Transportation and ask that this be done. Cllr Jeffers articulated the issues at Clifton well and asks that these would be kept in mind and addressed either in advance or with the review.
Cllr. E Jeffers
“That the Municipal District would investigate the numbering for addresses on buildings on Main Street, Carrigaline and would implement a numbering system where there is none to be found.”
Cllr Jeffers (SF): Many buildings have numbers on the units. Has experienced a recent difficulty in getting phone lines and broadband phone numbers installed because some of the phone companies are not dealing with businesses unless they have an actual address rather than a company name.
MDO: Wonders do they not all have postcodes?
Cllr Jeffers: GPS systems don’t recognise the postcodes so they didn’t work so well. The broadband companies say they need the number of the unit.
Cllr McGrath: Has never heard that this was an issue with occupiers on the main street before. This is an unusal motion and suggests a little caution in that there may not be a Council role here. But would have to consult the Business Assocation. Has been to many meetings of the Business Association but has never seen this come up there either.
MDO: We could ask the planning department if this was an issue.
“That a review would be carried out with the aim of reducing the speed of traffic at the top of Donnybrook Hill by Bracken Court.”
Cllr Jeffers (SF): Believes the roundabout will stop this speeding. In the meantime, could we get a children at play sign or a road marking or something.
AE: Will look at it.
Cllr. M D’Alton
“That this Municipal District would write to the IDA in support of the desire of the residents of Ringaskiddy to apply for inclusion of the Ringaskiddy Martello Tower in the Heritage Council’s Adopt A Monument Scheme 2017.”
‘Response NOM 1 Cllr. D’Alton.pdf’
Cllr D’Alton (Ind): A Martello Tower lies within the footprint of land owned by the IDA at the end of the Ringaskiddy peninsula. The tower stands at the peak of the hill of the peninsula and is entered in the Record of Protected Structures. The tower was built around 1850 as part of the network of military fortifications of Cork Harbour. Although there are other Martello Towers both in the country and the harbour, the Ringaskiddy one is particularly fine. There are three other Martello Towers in Cork Harbour and none is of the calibre of that in Ringaskiddy. In fact, through much research, we have deduced that the Ringaskiddy tower is the largest Martello Tower in reasonable condition standing in an original moat in the world. It is also the last remaining item of built heritage in Ringaskiddy village.
Being entered in the Record of Protected Structures, the IDA has responsibilities towards the tower. It is not structurally in poor condition but it is not looked after. Some of the Ringaskiddy community would like to help the IDA with those responsibilities. They would like to do this through the Heritage Council’s Adopt A Monument scheme. This doesn’t mean they will be getting any significant funding but it would provide support and guidance for any preservation work they might do. The Adopt A Monument scheme was piloted last year, proved very successful and this is the first year the full scheme has been run.
An application to the Heritage Council has been made by the closing date of last Friday. But one of the prerequisites of the scheme is that if the monument is standing in private ground, the permission of the owner must be received. I started corresponding with the IDA last October and they responded the first two times but they have not responded since. It wouldn’t cost the IDA anything, merely their blessing.
Am asking for the support of the Members to write as a Municipal District to the IDA as our combined voices will be stronger than just mine and ask them to support the Ringaskiddy community’s application to the Adopt A Monument scheme.
Cllr McGrath seconds.
We will write as a Municipal District to the IDA.
“That TII would install a controlled pedestrian crossing at the uncontrolled crossing on the N28 adjacent to the Ringaskiddy playground and that, in support of this, TII would present the updated traffic/pedestrian survey it committed to undertaking subsequent to my motion of 19th October 2015.”
‘Response NOM 2 Cllr. D’Alton.pdf’
Cllr D’Alton (Ind): Thanks the AE for circulating the report from the Roads Design Office on the pedestrian count and the analysis leading yet again to the conclusion that no controlled crossing is needed.
Only half the information has been provided. There is no vehicle count included. The formula for calculating whether a pedestrian crossing is needed or not is calculated on the basis of a ratio of pedestrians to vehicles. We have been provided with information on pedestrians only.
What has been provided doesn’t indicate for how long the pedestrian is waiting before they cross. The Navy finishes at 4pm. Trucks are going up and down to the Port of Cork. There are day workers in factories at Loughbeg. Funeral corteges are going up and down to the crematorium. So how long is each of these pedestrians kept waiting? Or if the children from the crèche were to want to cross the road, how long would they be kept waiting? TII’s own guidance on the justification for a controlled pedestrian crossing and the most appropriate type of crossing facility is given in LTN 1/95. They have referenced this guidance to us before. This guidance says: “in the climate of encouraging walking as part of sustainable transport, justification for pedestrian facilities tends to be made more in terms of the needs of pedestrians (in particular the delays and difficulties experienced in crossing a road”.
Also from my own local playground, I know that on a summer’s evening, it is one of its busiest times after 6pm. But this pedestrian count finished at 5pm. So it doesn’t take account of that, nor that the Loughbeg factories have a shift change at 7pm after which there is a solid stream of cars through the village.
But there is a human element involved here too. The playground is on one side of the village and the children on the other. If there were only one child per day, they deserve to be able to cross in safety.
Cllr McGrath (FF): Cllrs Forde, D’Alton and I met with some of the Ringaskiddy about this and other issues recently. This is an ongoing issue in the community. I had a motion on this before and know Cllr D’Alton has worked hard on this before. You don’t need to do counts. It is unsafe for vulnerable road users. You need to be of full mobility and to have your wits about you to cross here. It is obvious there is a need for a controlled crossing. Finds TII’s resistance to putting this in very strange. It is virtually impossible to cross during a shift change.
When you think of what Ringaskiddy has put up with over the years, and providing employment for everyone, all they are asking for is a pedestrian crossing.
Cllr Forde (FG): What puzzles me is that there is one law for one area and another law for another area. When I asked for a safe crossing for a bus standing area I was told it couldn’t be installed because the road was too narrow. Here you have a big wide road and trucks, factories, etc. going through a residential area. Why that wasn’t taken into account when the playround was being built is a no-brainer. The village has to coexist with what will be a very successful port and this report has to be dealt with now.
Cllr Harris (Ind): Suggests that if the TII has been refusing to put in a controlled crossing, would the Council not just go ahead and do it themselves?
Cllr Desmond (FF): Of all of the areas that we represent, it is a community of inconvenience compared with everything that is down there. It couldn’t be a smaller ask. There is an easy way to bring people along and wants to lend support.
Cllr O’Donnabhain (FF): You could borrow two from Ballincollig!
AE: I can ask directly or the Municipal District can ask TII for the vehicular counts. Obviously there are traffic counts. The analysis of a location for a pedestrian crossing has to have traffic counts. The CRDO report doesn’t give the numbers but she shows the assessment that is done and it is an equation that takes the volume of traffic and pedestrian numbers. Note that it is weighted heavily in favour of the pedestrians.
As per best practice, if you analyse any area as to whether a controlled pedestrian crossing is merited, you survey the number of cars and see if it requires a pedestrian crossing. The decision can be overridden.
Cllr D’Alton: Thanks for the support and we need to write back to the CRDO. This village gives so much in terms of employment for so many other parts of Cork. The least it could get is a pedestrian crossing. Cannot understand the reticence. Believes the uncontrolled crossing is already wired for a controlled crossing.
“That ladders would be installed on the quay wall in Passage West between the Passage West Rowing Club slipway and the slipway at The Stage.”
Cllr D’Alton: There are safety ladders on the quay walls all the way from the Pucks to the Rowing Club in Passage West. But there are none between the Rowing Club and the slip at the Stage. Great security for someone if they get stuck on the shoreline or if they fall into the water. There have been some incidences on the water in Passage West in recent times. Knows we have a water safety budget. Wonders if the installation of two ladders between the Rowing Club slip and the Stage slip could be taken out of this. There are railings on the wall for much of this length but that wouldn’t make any difference to their usefulness.
AE: Will have a look at it.
Cllr. M R Desmond
“That this Municipal District commence the official protocol and approach to the HSE to include the greater Douglas Catchment area in their next advertising for Primary Health Care Centre to be established.”
Cllr Desmond (FF): This stems from our LAP and from discussions at the Health Forum. There is no primary healthcare centre in Douglas. There is one proposed for Carrigaline, there is one for the City side of Togher, there is one in Blackrock. There is an entry in the draft LAP for a primary care centre in Douglas but the process to get that is to contact the HSE. They will put out a tender. We have to ask that our area will be considered for a primary care centre. – that is the first step.
Cllr Forde (FG): Is currently awaiting a report into a request for a primary care centre in Douglas. There was a request made some years ago. There is a difference between a day care centre and a primary care centre. We don’t know if there is a lack of will from developers or a lack of support from GPs. There is no clarity on that. That report is still awaited. There were proposals for a greenfield site in Douglas which would have been ideal. Has asked the HSE to consider proposals for that.
Cllr Desmond: But the HSE hasn’t advertised publicly.
Cllr Forde: That’s not the full story which is why I’ve asked for a report. Carrigaline, Castlemartyr, lots of other towns have them. Thinks there is something else at play with regard to Douglas.
Cllr D’Alton (Ind): Supports this motion. For such a large settlement, Douglas is extraordinarily badly served in this regard. It has no primary healthcare centre, no family support centre …
Cllr Desmond: Supports what Cllr Forde has already looked for but asks that we get the letter of request off to the HSE because knows from being on the Health Forum that these things move so slowly.
Cllr McGrath: There has been progress in Carrigaline but it had to be pushed and pushed hard in 2011. The process is slow.
It was agreed that we would write to the HSE.
“To ask the Engineer to consider traffic calming measures on the Grange Road, specifically near the Frankfield Estate.”
This was dealt with earlier.
“To request an update on what measures are being taken in light of the reported ongoing anti social behaviour and broken glass and needles being left in the vicinity of the playground in Ballincollig (near Innishmore Lawn).”
‘Response NOM 3 Cllr. Desmond.pdf’
Cllr Desmond: Will defer this to Cllr O’Donnabháin. Thanks for the report. Recently received queries about this and in relation to lighting too. Knows they have come up at recent Neighbourhood Watch and Tidy Towns meeting.
MDO: Has had feedback from the guy who cleans the area. Has never come across syringes.
Cllr O’Donnabháin: There is a gap in the road leading to the regional park – could we put in a street light at that location? Someone nearly got knocked down there.
AE: We will be looking at this request as part of the public lighting allocation. The request is already logged.
Cllr. D O’Donnabháin
“That this Municipal District would write to Cork City Council & TII to set out concern at the ponding of water on the Bandon roundabout flyover and the subsidence on the Wilton roundabout flyover.”
Cllr O’Donnabhain (FF): It wasn’t a torrential downpour of rain but last Friday there was still considerable surface water there. There is some settlement of the bridge at the Wilton Roundabout. You can see it in two different places. The City Council and TII have responsibility. Can we write to them and note our concerns? I wrote to them previously and spoke to an official in City Hall but nothing happened.
“That this MD would be furnished with an update on the double yellow line painting works for Parknamore, West Court, Muskerry (specific locations) and Iniscarra View.”
Cllr O’Donnabháin: The double yellows were a huge success when they went down. But the new clamping regime in the Supervalu has pushed the traffic into Parknamore. Cars are being abandoned there at all times of the day and night. Is is also an issue at school collection times. Have given a list of these to Don.
AE: Every year we look for tenders for road marking and once this is sorted, works can start.
“That this MD would write to the OPW and Minister Canny to seek the inclusion of the remedial works for the Weir in Ballincollig Regional Park in the River Lee Flood Relief Scheme.”
Cllr O’Donnabháin: We had a commitment from the Taoiseach and we have spoken about it before – knows we have spoken with Canoe Ireland – wondering if the Municipal would write to seek the inclusion of the Weir in the Regional Park or that it would be included as part of the Canoe Ireland project.
MDO: The OPW has said the weir is a Cork County Council structure. Or the landowner on the far side could be deemed responsible for some of it as the riparian owner. The previously estimated cost of the weir works was €15m. This included a fish pass. We are to have an application in for Sports Capital funding to support the slalem course at this location. If it happens, it should raise the water levels which would put water back into the canals. That would be welcome. Those applications have to be in by 24th February. We’ll have to wait and see what the outcome of that it. It will be over €400k to put in the Slalem course so there will still be significant Council contribution.
Cllr O’Donnabháin: If water can be diverted into the canal system in the regional park, surely this would only aid the flow of water going downstream into the city?
Cllr Canty: Is on that committee trying to get the slalem course in. We have had tentative meetings with officials here. Many engineering works have already been done including underwater surveyors. Fishermen and heritage are also on board. Hopefully, we will have a report back here in a few weeks time. The OPW has nothing to do with the weir. All local TDs support.
5. Votes of Congratulations
Cllr Murphy (SF) had a vote of congratulation.
6. Any Other Business
N28 proposed speed changes:
AE clarifies proposed speed reduction by Famine graveyard.
Also clarifies that there is a proposed speed increase at the Bloomfield interchange as you’re heading south – TII proposes that the 60 km will hold until you pass the turnoff for Rochestown. TII proposes that should increase to an 80 km because it is the speed of the observed traffic.
Cllr Desmond: Is flabbergasted by the Bloomfield proposal. This is supposed to be forwadr planning as well. Cannot understand 80 kph there. Has to be one of the most dangerous stretches of the entire N40. It is not accurate to say it “can” be busy.
Cllr McGrath (FF): Agrees. Not sure how well they’ve looked at it but it’s a 50 kph zone. Clarifies that we as Members have a say in this.
Cllr D’Alton: The bend as one is coming from down and taking the slip road off to take the Carrigaline Road. This is 60 kph and after coming out from it, can’t see that one could build up to 80 kph in that distance. But one is to merge which cars which are.
MDO: There should be driver responsibility. These are maximum speed limits. The observed speed is that cars are whizzing past when you come around that bend.
AE: The proposal is that there will be change to reflect the speed on the road. Will I go back to TII and express Members’ concerns? There can be either this change or no change. Those are the options.
Cllr Forde: Can’t understand how speed limits would be changed to reflect the speed on the ground. Should surely be set according to road safety and design. There is no signage to warn of an accident on the road; they’d be better off spending their money on that.
Cllr Desmond: Presentation to City Council???
Cllr McGrath: Bothar Glas – a resident says a lot of the drains on the road have been taken away or made dysfunctional. Could this go on a programme? A lot of HGVs are using the road to avoid the bypass road. Could we put up signage to deter that? Would help the surface too?
Also a pedestrian issue on Wrenville estate on the Kilmoney Road: when crossing to go to the Upper Kilmoney Road, you can’t see the vehicles coming from the Kinsale side outside of night time (when the lights are visible).
Got a complaint about littering on weekend mornings in Douglas, particularly with lots of fast food wrappings. Have we recently made any contact with them to remind them of their responsibilities?
Cllr Harris: Could the kerb on Inchvale Road be raised or repaired to protect the grass? Cars are starting to park on the green area and it is cutting it up.
Asks about the abandoned car policy.
MDO: The Council can deal with an abandoned car that is on a public road. Was in touch with Liam Singleton. Depending on the condition of the car – whether it could be considered an item of litter or waste management, they could possibly deal with them.
Cllr Forde: The back of Watergold Apartments is very dark. Also some of the footpaths are being done and delighted with the one on the Rochestown Road.
Wonders if we can ask the CE for extra money for footpaths.
Cllr O’Donnabháin: A disabled driver who was using the allotments car park described appallingly inconsiderate adjacent driver parking. Can we take draconian measures to deal with someone like this who can be so dreadfully inconsiderate? Thinks Vincent, etc. used to have put stickers on cars at one stage.
MDO: It is unbelievable that someone would be so inconsiderate to anyone. It is our car park and maybe the gardai would be willing to get involved but we don’t have staff who could do anything. People who behave like that won’t take lightly that they shouldn’t do it.
Will ask the Area Office to see if they have an objection to our putting up signage. Many are travelling long distance to use this car park.
Cllr O’Donnabháin (FF): The Cork Traveller Visibility Group is planning to use a portion of land by the Anglers Rest being used as a pilot grazing project for traveller’s horses. This is City Council land in the Cork County Council area. Has anyone approached this Municipal District or Cork County Council?
Cllr Canty: The City bought that bog land for Cork City. It was to be a training area. It was lying idle. Went to a public meeting last Friday night about it. Cousin lives next door. This is the Blarney-Macroom Municipal District.
The proposal is that five families with two horses each will let their horses graze inside there. There is no planning needed. But inevitably there will ultimately be sheds, etc. in due course.
Cllr O’Donnabháin: You know in the past we haven’t been able to get the owner of this land to even cut the hedges or overgrown trees? Has little faith in Cork City Council to look after this property.
MDO: No. Nobody has been approached about this in Cork County Council.
The public meeting concluded and was followed by an in-committee session.