Airport roundabout upgrade

The NRA is running a project to upgrade the landscaping of the airport roundabout.  This upgrade went to Part 8 planning in November 2016.  The Part 8 planning report to the County Council is here:

‘Part 8 Planning Report N27 Airport Roundabout & N28 Shanbally Roundabout.pdf’-2 copy

Landscape drawings of the proposed upgrade that were published with the planning application are at these links:

1516-103-LA-T001 Site Location
1516-103-LA-T002 Existing Conditions
1516-103-LA-T003 Landscape Layout
1516-103-LA-T004 Painted surfacing detail
1516-103-LA-T005 Earth Mound Detail
1516-103-LA-T006 Sculpture Details

The project also includes an upgrade to the Halfway roundabout and an upgrade to the Shanbally roundabout.  The Shanbally upgrade also has planning permission but the tender is being run separately.  Drawings for the Shanbally upgrade are at these links:

1516-104- LA-T001 Site Location
1516-104- LA-T002 Landscape Layout
1516-104-LA-T003 Berm Details
1516-104- LA-T004 Planting plan and details