NRA proposals for planting/screening along the N40

The NRA undertook significant work on the trees on the N40 South Ring Road earlier this year.  This resulted in many of the trees being removed.

The NRA has now proposed treatment of the area where the tree removal took place.

  • The space between Newlyn Vale and the N40 will be planted with shrubs on the embankment and with creepers on the housing side of the wall.  This planting is to go ahead within the next couple of weeks.
  • A grassed area with a decorative tree (weeping birch) will be created at the junction of the N28 and the Rochestown Road.  The gap in the wall leading into the area will be closed with bollards.  This will prevent illegal parking while maintaining access for maintenance work.
  • The gap in the existing planting at Wainsfort will be planted with a number of 2 – 2.5 metre high trees.  The proposed varieties are birch and hornbeam.
  • It is proposed to screen the length of road frontage between Rochestown Park Hotel and Dunnes Stores (Belgard Downs) from the N40 by the erection of a new fence.  The type of fence has not yet been decided.
  • The existing roadside timber fence at Wainsfort sits on top of a concrete wall.  There are several gaps between the timber and the wall.  These gaps will be closed.

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