Notes from the September meeting of the Ballincollig-Carrigaline Municipal District, 21-09-2015

  1. Confirmation of Minutes

To consider the confirmation and signing of the Minutes of the Annual and Ordinary Meeting held on 20th July 2015.

Matters arising:

Cllr D’Alton:

  • In relation to motion from last meeting and turning right into the Roberts Bridge car park, Area Engineer had advised that she would meet to discuss with regard to increasing safety. Would like to advance this. (Area Engineer not present at the meeting.)
  • Aware that the Municipal District Officer (MDO) is working on the issue of the derelict convent in Passage West. Could any updates be passed on as quickly as possible?
  • MDO was to update on the taking in charge of Garrane Darra and the Hedgerows.

Cllr O’Laoghaire: Had an amendment. Requested report on Ardfield.


  • A private management company is running Garrane Darra so it is unlikely to seek taking in charge. The Hedgerows is to be taken in charge but it has to meet the new Irish Water requirements. As a result, we have no timeline for when this will appear before Council.
  • Ardfield – went to An Bord Pleanala. There is very little we can do because it was an An Bord Pleanala decision. Council won’t be allowed to rent it out itself. South Cork manager was looking at this.
  • Municipal District got an updated report on the convent in August. Gave it to Kevin O’Leary? For the purposes of the notice, we have to identify specific reasons for which a property is dangerous. MDO is to work on this wording with the derelict sites officer.


Minutes were proposed by Cllr McGrath and seconded by Cllr D’Alton.


  1. Replies to Notices of Motion:

Mr. Martin Walsh of Bus Eireann will attend the meeting to provide an update from the October 2014 meeting and to allow Members to raise particular concerns

Martin Walsh (MW) in response to questions submitted by the councillors:

  • Waterpark bus service: Bus Eireann is looking to bring in changes to accommodate a bus through Waterpark.
  • Carrigmahon: Bus Eireann has reintroduced a service to Carrigmahon. Tying it into Rochestown College. This has removed the need for reversing at both locations.
  • Lehenaghmore: Bus Eireann has extended the 209 and 203 services. Across the overpass and up towards Matthew Hill and into Coolkelure. 5-6 services a day. Challenging because the infrastructure is so poor with no footpaths or crossing points. Even the bus stops at the bottom of the hill have no crossing points. We can’t go further out because there is nowhere to turn the bus. Have discussed it with Council engineers. Bus Eireann looked at going through a housing estate on the right but it would involve eliminating a dead end and creating through traffic. Residents in the estate didn’t like that so it didn’t proceed. We have had requests for buses at different times. The 07.30 service is an early 203 bus. Anything around 8am is going to get stuck in traffic, both coming down Matthew Hill and on the overpass. That will affect the service to Turners Cross, etc. Bus Eireann would like to see better infrastructure on Matthew Hill – crossing points, footpaths, better bus stops. Very difficult to run a service if it is getting stuck in that sort of congestion. To go further would be challenging. Might be able to extend a 203 service around 4pm.
  • Rockenham: Not listed on bus timetable. Bus Eireann has a policy of not listing every stop on every timetable. There are various websites and apps to see where the bus is. Rockenham is very close to Passage. shows the progress of the bus you are waiting for.
  • Connecting Passage and Carrigaline connection by bus was investigated but there is not huge demand for this. We are trying to streamline services. Ringaskiddy – Carrigaline is the same. Bus Eireann tried a City to Ringaskiddy route but there was a very low take-up on direct City to Ringaskiddy services.
  • Ballincollig: Terminus for here and for Carrigaline has gone to the Grand Parade. To bring it to the bus station would mean unnecessary congestion. People on these services are travelling to UCC, CIT, etc. We have studied the trip times on the various segments of bus route in the city centre. Where there is congestion, bus speed can be 2 – 3 km/h. We are avoiding that where possible. If there is a bus lane, the bus can reach up to 22 km/h. We consider that once we are on the island, that is city centre. Thinks most people would consider the same.

Cllr O’Laoghaire: Have consulted with Eagle Valley residents and they don’t see the value in a bus service at the moment. For Lehenaghbeg, requests again that Bus Eireann would consider a 4pm bus for schools. Route 233 to Ballincollig – how often will that run? Also a request for a bus shelter opposite the direct provision centre.

MW: Route 233 will be an hourly frequency from Fountainstown serving Carrigaline, Waterpark, City Centre, Carrigrohane, Ballincollig, Killumney, Crookstown. A longer version of the 220 service. We get a limited amount of funding for bus shelters each year. Have to steer them towrads the busier stops. CIT doesn’t even have a bus shelter! Will put the one requested now on the list.


Cllr Canty: Thanks for improvement to Ballincollig bus service. People now know exactly what time it is coming through. Traffic congestion element has been largely eliminated and so the bus is very much on time. People are using the buses. But why do all the buses have to go in the straight road? We made provisions oustide the County Hall and the Kingsley for buses to stop. Cork – Killarney route – there are no buses coming through Ballincollig. Now if you are getting the bus to Killarney, you get the bus to Grand Parade, walk to Parnell Place and get the bus to Killarney. No connectivity. Ballincollig population is half that of Kerry. Takes an hour and 20 minutes to get to Crosshaven from Ballincollig.

Cllr McGrath: Thanks for Carrigmahon bus. But even though restored, the service is a bit early for them. Can it be slightly later for the elderly residents? Understands that it may not be possible. Waterpark – welcomes the progress on this. Clarifies that if the bus is coming through Waterpark, it wouldn’t then do the loop around the Kilmoney Road. Clarifies also that the Crosshaven bus would come into the bridge in Carrigaline and turn right. All Crosshaven buses would come though Waterpark. Request for a bus shelter outside the schools in Maulbaun, Passage West.


Cllr Harris: Does Bus Eireann have the authority to move bus stops? There is a bus stop across from Amberleigh outside the Pinecroft bar in Grange. The bus shelter has been smashed up a few times. There is an off licence there, a pub and a chipper so they lead to congregation. If it could be moved a bit?

MW: Moving a bus shelter is a substantial cost.

Cllr McGrath: This is a drop off stop. Makes no sense to have a bus shelter there. The shelter itself is causing the congregating.

MW: Will look at this again. Agrees. Doesn’t see why the bus shelter is there. The installation was before his time.

Cllr Harris: Will the advertisers object?

Cllr Canty: Have we a problem with overhanging branches?

MW: We lost many windscreens on Maryborough Hill. Cork County Council in the Area Office helped us very much. Maryborough Hill is sorted now but is ongoing – Killeens, Model Farm Road, City, Maryborough Hill. A lorry may brush up against trees but the double decker bus is taller and has windscreens in front.

Cork – Killarney not going through Ballincollig. Changed when bypass was opened. Met with staff some years ago and decided to bring the bus out past the CUH, CIT and UCC. This can make it challenging in the evening. There are very few seats available. So if Ballincollig were to be added it, it makes it an even greater challenge in terms of providing seats.

Members thanked Mr. Walsh for his attendance and hope that he will attend a Municipal District meeting again in the near future.


Casual Trading draft Bye-Laws:
MacDara O’hIci will attend to update Members in relation to the process and discuss the draft Bye-Laws.

The byelaws are based on those working in Bantry town. A steering group with market traders, rate payers, councillors from Bantry Town Council and officials produced them. They went through public consultation. The district court was happy with them. They are operating since June in Bantry and working fine.

The Bantry byelaws were adopted by the West Cork Municipal District. Proposal is that they are for the full county and so would be adopted by the full Council. First, they are coming to each Municipal District for their consideration. Casual trading areas will be identified by each Municipal District. Once the process is done, a public consultation of not less than 30 days will start. People can make submissions and can appeal the byelaws to the court if they wish. After the public consultation, they go back to full Council and can be adopted.

The local authority cannot make profit off casual trading. Unless the local authority is providing facilities.

Cllr Canty: Had two casual trading areas in the back of Ballincollig. Converted them to disabled parking. A person coming with fish for sale is there all day now and parks on the main street. Traders starting to give out. Then casual traders come during the summer with their produce and take up another parking space. We will have to designate two other car spaces in the car park to get them off the main road. Where do we find a spot for them?

MDOH: Not aware of franchise market rights in Ballincollig. Up to members of this Municipal District to designate the areas. They don’t have to be in car park areas. The reaction we’ve got from the rate payers in Bantry is that the well regulated markets bring people into the town adding to atmosphere.

Cllr D’Alton: Very pleased to have the opportunity to discuss the byelaws. Brought a motion about the byelaws to full Council last week. Raised some questions at the full Council meeting. For exempted traders outside of the byelaws, a lack of welfare facilities are a real issue in semi-urban Municipal Districts such as ours. There is a concern that those selling on the side of the road may be selling a greater range of produce than the berries and new potatoes permitted. Who is going to check up on this? With regard to the draft byelaws, if the market rights in the town are for a location that is no longer appropriate and a more suitable location is clearly identifiable, the byelaws suggest that this new location cannot be used until the old location is full. How can this be dealt with? Also an event licence. Will a small event such as the Dog Show in Passage require an event licence? It brings in casual traders. Or the annual Football Blitz, again in Passage also has trading at it. Will it need an event licence?


  • Events don’t apply on private property. Events on private property are a matter for the landowner. On public ground, if it is an event that brings casual trading into a public area, those trading shoud have a casual trading licence. Charity events do not need a casual trading licence. So if the Dog Show is not for profit, it does not need a casual trading licence.
  • Moving a franchise market – 1995 Act says a council can extinguish an ancient market right if they can provide similar facilities somewhere else. One of the problems with the ancient market rights is that the document saying exactly where it is may not be available. We approach everything reasonably and see if the area is in a place that is suitable for the traders. Traders generally give feedback saying they are delighted for markets to be regulated.
  • Welfare facilities are available in lots of towns. So this isn’t an issue with a market. It is more of an issue on the side of the road.
  • We have a market manager in Bantry who regulated services on behalf of the Council. This works very well but is an expensive option. Fees being charged for trading are higher to cover the cost of this.

Cllr McGrath: Do we have the designated areas maps? When we go to the public, will designated areas be advrtised also? How do you control the times of operation within the designated areas? Thinks licence fee is too small at €10. If chip vans leave mess after them, as they do sometimes in Carrigaline, will gardai be aware of the laws and will they enforce if it happens over a weekend?

MDOH: The text presented today is to start a discussion. The casual trading licence will be a county licence but will be location-specific. If you have a casual trading licence to sell microphones, you apply to the area office in each of the towns you wish to set up in and get a licence specific to each of those areas. Designating areas and times of operation will be attached to this licence. Maps will be included in public consultation. €10 is set .

Two offences, cannot get another licence.

Cllr O’Laoghaire: What about ice cream vans?

MDOH: Ice cream vans need a casual trading licence and can only trade in a casual trading area. We cannot interfere with competition so we cannot refuse to give out two ice-cream van casual trading licences just because the two may be working the same area.

We talked about ice-cream vans. Maybe should include a clause that it shouldn’t be stationary for more than 5 minutes? Cllr D’Alton said that some counties had given ice cream vans exemptions from the bye-laws. She will send a list of counties that have done this to MDOH.

Cllr O’Donnabhain: Events get traders piggy backing on them. How do you deal with this?

MDOH: Organisers will need to interact with local authorities at a very early stage.

Spoke about horse fair in Dunmanway. A pilot ran this year based on these bye laws because the fair had become a bit wild over the last while. The gardai interacted and the fair was very successful.

MDO: Designation of casual trading areas will be on next month’s agenda.


Shannonpark Master Plan:
Chief Executive’s Report on the Proposed Amendment to the Carrigaline Electoral Area Local Area Plan to incorporate the Shannonpark Master Plan.

Ross Palmer (RP), Senior Executive Planner on submissions to the proposed amendment:-

  • Astra Construction is the most significant landowner. They had commissioned own flood risk assessment of the site. Submissions queried this. Cork County Council was happy with it. We have had to introduce some clarity in the amendment about the flood risk to deal with this concern.
  • Key infrastructure was a concern. The NRA raised the M28 scheme. They have said they will not be able to fund any of the changes to the Shannonpark roundabout proposed in the document.
  • A very useful submission was received from two of the councillors which we have taken on board.
  • The Lower Harbour wastewater treatment plant has been commissioned since some of the submissions were received.
  • Public transport: Carrigaline is heavily congested. The NTA very concerned about this. Supportive of producing a public transport study in association with themselves, Cork County Council and Bus Eireann. The NRA had also reiterated this.
  • Astra Construction wanted flexibility in implementing Phase 1.
  • The next step is a Section 20 public consultation. This will run Monday 28th September for 6 weeks. Will be over just before the November Municipal District meeting. We are hoping full Council will have the report in front of us on 14th So the amendment will be adopted by Christmas.
  • Park and Ride is no longer called that because it creates an impression that we are recreating another Blackash and nothing is further from the truth. We have had very helpful discussions with Bus Eireann and are calling the concept a transport interchange. So a planning application will not be made until we have resolved this issue. We don’t have the exact location of the transport interchange. We have removed the former location from the maps because it was too prescriptive and inappropriate.
  • The developer will fund the R611 and Shannonpark roundabout works necessary.

Cllr McGrath: How fundamental is it that the NRA won’t fund the Shannonpark changes? Also the Shannonpark upgrade. Seems to be moving up the pecking order of priorities before development can progress? Can we put in “subject to a planning process” to make it clear to the general public? What is involved in the upgrade isn’t specified. Knows not many submissions were made. There are 5 – 6 connectivity points to Heron’s Wood on the map. Knows why people are concerned about this. The rugby club in Carrigaline is looking for a home. Lands between the old N28 and the M28 could possibly be it? Flagging this. Transport interchange is indicated on the western side of the road. What about the land on the eastern side?

RP: No, the NRA’s failure to fund is not an issue. Just highlighting it where it hadn’t been highlighted before. It was not a surprise that the NRA will not fund the road improvements. Aggrieved in that Cork County Council has to go through a Part 8 for these road improvements. Part 8s take money. But the developer has said that he will build the road upgrades because it is in his interest. Agreed to change wording in relation to the upgrade to “subject to planning process”. The transport interchange is to be a pilot. If it is successful, it will be developed on the other side of the road, which is actually the correct side. If it fails, it could be redeveloped for other use. The Council has always been aware of the rugby club need. The new M28 is going to be elevated at that point so there will be a lot of fill. Not sure how much land there will be left. North of the N28 is bog land. Connectivity with Heron’s Wood is shown by red lines. There are existing cul de sacs in Heronswood at these points. These are the natural places to provide connectivity. Many people will be upset to get new passing traffic. We’ll say what they say about it when it goes to consultation.

Cllr O’Laoghaire: Can estate names they have a local or historical connection? Housing – 10% requirement for Part V. Doesn’t feel that this is adequate. This is a huge opportunity to deliver social housing. Thinks we should do more than Part V requirements.

RP: Estate names can be dealt with by condition by development management. We’re constrained by national policy on Part V. But we have spoken with the developer. He will incorporate housing for the elderly (currently there is none of that in Carrigaline) and housing for the less fortunate. We have emphasised that this is different from Herons Wood and Forest Ridge. It needs to be exemplary in terms of social delivery. Council can buy properties in the new development if they wish. We’re still trying to get Phase 1 started.

Cllr D’Alton: In its submission, the NTA said that the development should be informed by the development of an “integrated land use and transport plan for Carrigaline area which would inform the overall scale, phasing, etc.”. Is there such an integrated land use and transport plan for Carrigaline? Also there is much emphasis on traffic going towards the city but there is little emphasis on traffic going the other direction where there is already tremendous congestion. What thought has been put into this?

RP: The need for an integrated land use and transport study has been put to senior Management. It is very important to Carrigaline. The transport study required for this might blossom into a land use and transport study. The same type of thing was done for Douglas. The whole of the town needs to be looked at. Connectivity between north and south is very difficult. This is not something we can do overnight. It needs funding, agreement with senior management. When we did DLUTS, we did it very quickly and yet it took 12 months to set up and 12 months to achieve.

Martin Ryan (Planner): We met with Martin Walsh last week. That is where the transport interchange comes in. Many people want to get to the Western suburbs without stops.

Cllr D’Alton: Yes, but what about the other direction? We want people in this estate to relate to and to use Carrigaline as their town. But congestion is a huge issue all around Carrigaline.

RP: There is a walkway designated in the plan that goes to Passage. Allied with this, we have a study just completed on the N28 and sustainable travel. This suggests how we are going to achieve sustainable travel modes to Ringaskiddy, etc. Lots of integration necessary there. It is happening.

Cllr D’Alton: Have asked several times about greenway to Ringaskiddy but am always told that the NTA prioritises funding for urban areas. And so there is no money to develop the greenway to Ringaskiddy.


RP: New companies are very anxious to see their employees coming in alternative modes of transport. Very keen to support us on this. The NTA has a special unit that is working with the companies on this. So lots being discussed. Yes, NTA tends to fund in the city centre but this will change over time and we will have to think outside the box.


Douglas Pay Parking Bye-Laws:
Report on submissions received and making of Bye-Laws.

Byelaws did not receive any submissions.

They were passed by the members of the Municipal District Committee.


  1. Consideration of Reports and Recommendations:
    Report on impact of 30 minutes free parking.

MDO: Sales are down. Can’t really include April in calculations because changes were introduced in April. Looking at May – August. This may have budgetary limitations. Let’s just consider the implications at this stage and come back to it as part of the budgetary process next month. Doesn’t have to be an across the board increase in parking charges. Maybe increase long stay fee?


Cllr McGrath: The reduction in income would be manageable and sustainable. Thinks the introduction of the 30 minutes has been very successful. Gets only positive feedback in relation to it. It has generated improved activity. Hit to income can be made up in the cost of running the system. Douglas is a small area to warden and there is no need to have a warden on the ground for 60 hours a week. CPG is looking at Douglas at the moment and Mallow are saying the same thing. Douglas is even smaller than Mallow to police.

MDO: The warden presence is tendered, contracted so we can’t just change it. The current contract has expired and the tenders for the new contract will be opened at next Monday’s meeting. Not clear if we went to tender for 60 hours or if we allowed the tenderer to offer options. The number of companies involved in this business is limited. So may not be a competitive market. More companies are interested in car parks than in pay parking.

Cllr Desmond: If we need to cut costs, this is the only way we can do it. Can we ensure nothing is awarded to anyone and nothing is agreed until we see how the costs fit with our requirements for 30 free minutes of parking?

MDO: If this is being discussed at CPG, it would make no sense to award a contract in the next couple of weeks. It has to be opened and looked at and assessed. We are on an interim arrangement at present. The period for extending this interim arrangement has expired.

Cllr McGrath: Raised this at CPG many months ago. Mentioned number of hours in Douglas is completely excessive. If we are boxed into a situation where we can take 60 hours only that is very disappointing.

MDO: Only one company tendered. Huge implications for cost if their price has gone up. Tender includes for management of the meters, etc. The Council can’t appoint people directly as is done in Cobh and Ballincollig because of the recruitment embargo. The tender will be opened on Monday.

Cllr O’Laoghaire: Wonders if you can justify a County Council employed warden if you can show savings will be delivered if the Council employs directly?


  1. General Municipal Allocation/Town Development Fund:
    Streetscape Paint Scheme 2015
    Applications from GMA Reserve

We all agree the projects proposed by the MDO should be approved.

Cllr Desmond: Has a request from Parkgate Residents Association. Their estate has an unusual frontage.   Damage has been done to the pillar. This is an extraordinary residents association. They are looking for assistance with respect to the repair work. Quote is €1,000.

MDO: €750 is the max we can give. Agreed that we would give this too.


  1. Disposal of Property


  1. Chun na Ruin so leanas ón gComhairleoir a mheas:
    To consider the following Notices of Motion in the name of:

 Cllr. D Forde

  1. “That the engineer examines what can be done to improve the sight lines for residents exiting The Ovals.”
  2. “That the engineer gives an update on the upgrade of the Clarke’s hill junction project.”

Cllr Forde not present so her motions are deferred.


Cllr. J Harris

  1. “That the derelict house in Pinecroft be taken over by council.”
  2. “That the huge green area, that can’t be cut by residents of Pinecroft, be cut by the council.”
  3. “That the graffiti on a large gable wall in Pinecroft be cleaned by council.”

MDO: We know who the owner of the house is but how we can contact him appears to be an issue. The Council does not just buy derelict properties.

Cllr McGrath: The house is on the derelict sites register. A levy is applying. We need to be careful of the debate.

MDO: We’re quite limited in what we can do under the derelict sites act. A charge is acruing. Don’t know where to correspond with the owner.

Cllr O’Donnabhain: Can’thave the Council spending money on the property and recouping it afterwards.

Responses to Motion…

Cllr. M D’Alton

  1. “That Cork County Council would outline the timescale of works for completion of Fr. O’Flynn Park, Passage West. That this timescale would detail the extent of both the Irish Water works and the subsequent County Council works. That in view of the extent of excavation of existing paths in the park, the new path surfaces would be replaced with imprinted concrete to match the original rather than with the “mill” finish proposed in Drawing No. 004 of 06/03/15, Job No. ATSI-S-2015-025-TND-004-A.”

Cllr D’Alton: Thanks for the dates outlined in the report. People of Passage have been devastated by the closure of their park since the beginning of June. If the Regional Park in Ballincollig had been closed all summer, would it be permitted? It would not. Fr O’Flynn Park for all its small size is Passage West’s equivalent of Ballincollig’s Regional Park. The whole aim of doing work in the park was to increase its attractiveness to visitors coming down the railway line. But these visitors haven’t been able to even get into the park. So there is a derelict building on one side, a closed off park on the other and whether the County Council or Irish Water is to blame, it doesn’t matter. It is an appalling image for both organisations and it has had a devastating effect on the people of Passage West. Also since we spoke last week, the excavator in Fr O’Flynn Park hasn’t moved once. Yes, I will be told that these works are under the control of Irish Water but it doesn’t matter. The fact is that there has been no work undertaken in the park for the vast bulk of the summer. But it is still closed off.

MDO: A specialist contractor is need to go into the park to go down 7 metres. We asked if the playground had to be closed even on weekends. Irish Water said yes because of the danger associated with the depth of the trenches. We have always had difficulties in getting dates from Irish Water on when things will happen.

Cllr McGrath: Concurs and supports what Cllr D’Alton said. Particularly galling that the park was closed and there has been no activity evident. The playground being closed for 6 weeks is NOT good news.

MDO: We asked Irish Water whether they had communicated the playground closure with public representatives and the town and they did not respond.

Cllr D’Alton: What about the rest of the motion?  What about the paths?  Had got approval from the County Architect, from the Area Engineer and from the MDO to retain the imprinted concrete, communicated this to the contractor but the contractor went ahead and ground down the imprinted concrete regardless.  Now that Irish Water has dug up most of the paths in entirety, can they be replaced with imprinted concrete rather than with the proposed surface?

MDO: The contractor was operating on the basis of the drawings that were given to him.  The issue is one of cost at this stage.  Will discuss it with the Area Engineer.


  1. “That the Members of this Municipal District request that the proposed route of the upgraded N28 to bypass Ringaskiddy would be selected so as to minimise impact on Ringaskiddy village and residents.”

Have raised this issue in the Chamber before, have written to the NRA, have spoken to them directly in the consultation and all to no effect. So put it in a motion now. The previous route proposed for the upgraded N28 Ringaskiddy by-pass was to go as close as possible to Loughbeg. Now the new proposal is for the road to reduce from a 4 lane to a 2 lane carriageway and to run under the line of pylons close to Ringaskiddy village. There are two problems with this. Firstly, the proposed line of the road is so close to Ringaskiddy that it will interfere with it. It will essentially cut the village in two and have significant impact on houses and on the school. Secondly, its reduced carriageway and altered route makes the residents fear that it will be shorter and more convenient for traffic to continue going through the village. So am asking the members if they will support me so that the Municipal District might write to the NRA requesting that the upgraded N28 by-passing Ringaskiddy would be routed as close to Loughbeg as possible so that it does not interfere with Ringaskiddy village.

Cllr McGrath: The new route is much closer now to residential properties. There is an additional change in that the motorway will end at Barnahely. Is presenting serious concerns for residents. Supports Cllr D’Alton’s motion. Is wildlife more important that human beings?


  1. “That Cork County Council would outline its intentions with regard to the future of the Ballincollig Gunpowder Mills.”

MDO will circulate all members on this.


Cllr. S McGrath

  1. “To request that the Engineer consider erecting flashing traffic calming signs at Coolmore Cross.”
  1. “To request some signage/road markings at the severe bend on the local road between Rochestown Monastery and Passage West. The bend in question is at the brow of the hill as you drive from the Monastery.”

As the Area Engineer is not present, these will be addressed at the next meeting.


  1. “That the Engineer would provide a response to the issues raised by the residents of Pinecroft.”

Cllr McGrath: The issue of the green area is frustrating. It is totally neglected. Can’t be used for recreation in its current state. We were told it couldn’t be cut over and over and now with pressure, it is being cut. We can’t as a Council just respond to pressure like this.   We need to develop some sort of an approach with consistency. The Area Engineer isn’t here. Could we put developing consistency to this kind of issue on the agenda again maybe?


MDO: The Area Office has no budget for this work. All requests like this are charged to the repairs budget because there is nowhere else to charge it. So there are roadworks not done because she has to deal with estate issues. We are working on seeing if there are budgets somewhere which are not being used and which could be set aside for this. Will come up as a budgetary item in the October meeting. This Municipal District is quite urban and so estates is something that need to be planned for.


Cllr McGrath: With regard to the drainage, the whole Irish Water problem is serious. Can’t be easily addressed but must be.


Cllr O’Laoghaire: Think as a general rule, councils should cut grass. This is an issue that is always raised in relation to the LPT. Councils do it in other countries. No residents association could organise cutting an area this big.   On the water, the mains and the storm water seem interconnected. Can we have an update on this? In Grange Vale they have tarmaced over drains.


MDO: Will bring it up again in October.



Cllr. M Murphy

  1. “That the green area in Pinecroft, Grange adjacent to Glenside be cut on a regular basis, as its size and terrain is such that it is beyond the capacity of the residents group.”
  2. “That the Council would endeavour to remove graffiti where possible in Pinecroft Estate.”
  3. “That the council clear as soon as possible the drains and gullies which are currently blocked and works with Irish water to ensure issues relating to the mains, and any issues relating to leakage of sewage are resolved.”


Cllr Murphy not present so his motions are deferred.



  1. Votes of Congratulations


Cllr O’Laoghaire has votes of congratulations.



  1. Any Other Business


Cllr D’Alton: Thanks for the lovely new signs for Marmullane park. When the table tennis tables were being set, the plinths were put under the tables only, not under where people stand. So there are now two great big muddy puddles on either side of each of the two tables. Spoke to Vincent about this at the time. He agreed to putting in reinforcing in the grass under where the people stand. Not done yet. Could MDO please follow up?


Cllr O’Donnabhain: Concern about paid parking and data protection. Person at the other end of the phone was writing down the data before inputting it.


MDO: Pay parking system and receipting system are separate. This is a problem. IT system is old and because of upgrades the direct access that we used to have to getting information is no longer available. So we have to write down stuff, send the info out to the Motor Tax Office and it is slow and unwieldy.


Cllr O’Donnabhain: Might bring a motion about this to the next meeting.


MDO: We know we need to update the system. But even if you update it, it may not talk directly to the financial system the Council uses.


Cllr Desmond: The main concern here is that the Council is covered and it is handled properly.