1. Election of Cathaoirleach; Election of Leas Cathaoirleach
Cllr Daithi O Donnabhain was proposed for Chair by Cllr Harris, seconded by Cllr McGrath. There were no other Members proposed and Cllr O’Donnabhain was elected as Chair.
Cllr Joe Harris was proposed for Vice-Chair by Cllr D’Alton, seconded by Cllr Desmond. There were no other members proposed and Cllr Harris was elected as Vice-Chair.
Various members individually wished Cllrs O’Donnabhain and Harris the best of luck for the year and complimented Cllr Forde on the year she has put down as Chair.
2. Confirmation of Minutes
Cllr D’Alton: Request for some amendments:
- The notes on our discussion about traffic lights on the Shannonpark roundabout and the presentation given by Andrew Hind reads like a hard sell on the roundabout. But many of the councillors expressed many concerns. Please could at least some of the points made the by the Members be noted?
- Two meetings ago, we were offered an explanatory briefing on the Douglas LUTS. At the last meeting, I had asked in Matters Arising whether we could schedule this briefing. My request is not noted. And I am requesting it again today.
- Notes of my motion on the Pembroke Wood crossing. The record of the response is quite accurate but I had also asked whether if the upgrade of the roundabout did not go ahead due to funding constraints, that the uncontrolled crossing might be put in place anyway because there are so many crossing at this point.
Cllr O’Laoghaire: In relation to the painting scheme – had asked whether people could buy paint only as an option for grant funding. He had also asked when was it going to start.
Cllr McGrath: Agrees with Cllr D’Alton’s comment in relation to Shannonpark. The report of our discussion doesn’t give indication of feedback from the Members. Mount Oval was another issue which he had raised with the Area Engineer. The one way system is causing problems. The AE had mentioned waiting for the N28 upgrade, that any changes in the one-way system would be considered then. He was hoping that something could be done in the short term, not to be waiting for the N28 upgrade.
Cllr Forde: Supports Cllr McGrath in the Mount Oval concerns. Thinks the taking in charge will resolve this issue.
AE: If plans for the N28 are on the long finger, she will look at something in the short term, but it would have to marry in with the ultimate N28 solution.
The Chair also agrees with comments on the Shannonpark report.
MDO: On including the paint-only option in the painting scheme: where the scheme is being run this year in the main street of Carrigaline, nnearly all of the properties are commercial. In the city, where the paint-only option is offered, it makes sense because there are residential properties who may prefer this option. It is not suitable for commercial properties. But that doesn’t mean it won’t be considered in the future. Every property in the scheme area has been visited. Every one has been given an information pack. This Friday is the closing day for submissions of expression of interest. There seemed to be interest when the packs were being given out. Submissions are slow to come in to date but he is hoping for more towards the end of the week.
Cllr Collins: If a buildings is in in the ownership of financial institutions, if a voluntary body was to apply for funding, would that be agreeable? Can think of two in the painting scheme area that fall under that category.
MDO: Not sure – if they submit we can have a look, but not sure that if they are owned by the banks that the Municipal District should be contributing. Because those properties will just be sold on. The banks have a responsibility for the building as it is.
Chair: If it was a dereliction issue, the local authority would serve notice on a receiver or a bank. If there was a lease situation where the voluntary body could show that they had a right to the property for a period of time, it might advance the case for allowing them to take part in the painting scheme.
Cllr McGrath: Supports what Cllr Collins says. It is often the buildings that need it the most are in situations like this. You have to chase a bit further if you want a receiver or a financial institution to take part. We had this situation in Passage West. We eventually got the receiver to take part, but it took a great deal of chasing on the part of the Town Council.
Cllr D’Alton: Asks whether the AE had the opportunity to look at the Cut n Cover with regard to the resurfacing. Also asks if the receiver of the convent in Passage West has responded to the Council.
AE: As part of the Lower Harbour scheme, the Cut n Cover was being looked at in relation to running the network through there. The AE will speak to Irish Water about this and combine the resurfacing with the Lower Harbour project. It wouldn’t make sense to resurface now and have to dig it up again for the new sewerage network.
MDO: The convent in Passage West will be dealt with under the later motion relating to derelict sites.
- Consideration of Reports and Recommendations:
(i) Part 8 Report – Regional Park Ballincollig Extension & Walkway Proposal
Cllr D’Alton: Increased accessibility of the mill race and bridge were mentioned by the planners as potentially being a concern. How will this be dealt with.
MDO: This is dealt with in the Part 8 planning report.
Cllr Canty: The planner was very thorough and very complimentary of the project. The new area of tarmac is to facilitate the elderly and wheelchairs. Consultation is ongoing with regard to putting toilets in the allotments area. Everyone is happy.
Chair: Accessibility of the section from the GAA down is an issue. The path is rough and it tends to pool water. Connectivity of all aspects of the park has been problematic. Very noticeable that most people use the park from the playing pitch side. This will spread out access points and this will be welcome.
Part 8 report was approved.
(ii) Taking in Charge of Estates:
“That, being satisfied that a public right of way exists over them, and the roads are of general public utility, Cork County Council hereby declares pursuant to Section 11(1) of the Roads Act, 1993 the following roads to be public roads:-
1 | Ardarrig Lawn & Park | Douglas | 159 |
2 | Bramble Hill nos. 1-10 | Castletreasure, Douglas | 61 |
3 | Coolmore Gardens & Coolmore Close | Carrigaline | 462 |
4 | Eagle Valley (excl. Garrane Dara & The Hedgerows nos. 1-18) | Wilton | 2548 |
5 | Elden | Maryborough, Douglas | 295 |
6 | Highfield | Carriganarra, Ballincollig | 1200 |
7 | Leslie’s Arch | Old Quarter, Ballincollig | 892 |
8 | Marine View | Ringaskiddy | 61 |
9 | Monsfield | Rochestown | 281 |
10 | Riverside | Monsfieldstown, Rochestown Road | 166 |
11 | Spring Lane | Carrigaline | 114 |
MDO: Many of the points raised in the Eagle Valley submissions were not Council-related issues.
Cllr O’Laoghaire: Welcomes all these estates being taken in charge, especially Eagle Valley. Wonders about Garranedarragh and The Hedgerows.
Cllr McGrath: Welcomes progress with the taking in charge. In future when we are proposing to take estates in charge, could we have someone from the planning department present at the meeting? Members will inevitably raise points and it would be good to have the planning department present to answer them. On Eagle Valley, presume the recreational area is part of Garranedarragh? Parking within the estate – there is a problem with a shortage at certain locations. Residents feel that they have more than enough green areas. If there is bond money and the estates engineer is liaising with the AE, could he please keep this in mind?
Cllr Canty: Highfield is definitely all ok with the taking in charge.
Cllr McGrath proposed, Cllr D’Alton seconded.
4. Correspondence
Correspondence received from Bus Eireann to queries raised by Members
MDO has asked Martin Walsh to attend the September meeting. He is on leave now.
Cllr McGrath: Responses received from Bus Eireann to the queries raised are only holding responses. Wants him to come to the meeting in in September.
Chair: Agrees. Had specific query about buses coming from Ballincollig. This wasn’t answered properly in the responses.
5. General Municipal Allocation/Town Development Fund
MDO: Two reports issued for the meeting – one for TDF and one for GMA. For the TDF, allocations towards Christmas lights are as requested by the towns. Togher is the only one that is different because it doesn’t have a heart of a town centre as the others do. Asks whether the Members are happy to talk about these in bulk or whether they want them addressed individually.
Members indicated that they are happy with the allocations for Christmas lights.
MDO: In relation to the GMA, there are 6 items on the list. Had a conversation with Cllr Collins in relation to Carrigaline Parish Hall. Cost of the works was €15 – 16k. If they were to apply next year under the Community Fund application, the fact that they would get money now would meant that they might end up worse off. So Cllr Collins will suggest that they should withdraw and make the bigger application next year.
Cllr Collins: Confirmed that we can consider the application for Carrigaline Parish Hall withdrawn.
Cllr McGrath: Had suggested before that we would set some sort of parameters for distributing these funds. Will we reserve some GMA until September? Also suggests that we put a cap on the contributions to any individual case. Fair that there would be a fair distribution.
MDO: Believes this had already been agreed, but we hadn’t quite decided how much to hold back.
Chair: It was generally the accepted view at the last meeting that a cap of up to €1k would be at the limit for each funding request. We have €10k left to distribute at present. Asks if the Members have any other suggestions in relation to a cap.
Cllr Forde: €1k would mean nothing would get done in a number of proposals. Feel that in some cases we should give more. We should try to take some of these applicants off the list.
Cllr Desmond: Understands what Cllr Forde is saying but some of the funding requests would take the entire balance of the GMA.
Cllr O’Laoghaire: Agrees with this. €1k ordinarily with a suggestion of €1.5k in exceptional circumstances as an upper cap.
Cllr Forde: Is asking that we spend the whole €10k so, because especially in request 3 for public lighting, the €1.5k will go nowhere.
MDO: We only contribute 75% as a maximum of total project cost in the grants scheme. It would be a farce if we were to do otherwise now.
Cllr D’Alton: Asks why the Stockton’s Close light is under this GMA budget when it can only contribute such a small percentage of the necessary cost.
MDO: It is here because he received a request that it would be considered for funding under the GMA.
Cllr Forde: When it wasn’t allocated money under this year’s public lighting, she asked that it would be considered under the GMA. The light is badly needed.
All agreed that the light is badly needed to prevent anti-social issues. Cllr Desmond asks whether we can look at the light for Stockton’s Close in a different way.
Cllr Canty: We need to talk to Tom Stritch of public lighting in Mallow. Over the years, they will always sort out a light if there is enough support for it. If there is a pole there, they’ll put a lamp on it. If there isn’t, they’ll do something.
AE: Stockton’s Close has already been brought to the attention of the public lighting section. Our allocation this year for public lighting was for €56k and this has already been supplemented by the GMA. She was asked to prioritise the schemes. Agrees the light in Stockton’s Close is well merited but is probably too late to change now. There are a lot of good schemes out there that are simply not going to be funded because there isn’t enough money to do so.
Cllr McGrath: This funding stream isn’t geared for the purpose of providing such a light. If we make an allocation to a cap, this may help the public lighting section to advance the request.
Cllr Canty: Thinks we should make a recommendation from this committee to the public lighting section in Mallow asking that they would please look at it sincerely. This lighting programme above would be looked at because of urgency.
Cllr O’Laoghaire: Maybe adopt that suggestion as a resolution. When we were setting aside the €10k, we said that it was not to be an extension of the amenity grant scheme but that it would be for projects which didn’t fall under the amenity grant scheme.
Cllr Collins: Agrees with this comment. Knows it is worthy but €1k towards the light at Stockton’s Close is going nowhere.
South Cork Manager: Thinks the GMA is not the appropriate fund for this light. There was a contribution made from the TDF to match the general public lighting contribution. This is the way the members should be going when looking for funding for lighting. That is not to comment on the merits or otherwise of this particular scheme.
Cllr Forde: This is a very serious situation. There are 4 estates involved here. Area is used extensively for walking. It is down the line in the lighting programme for sure but these monies are for doing good in the community. There may be money that comes available later on in the year, money that is not being spent, that could be used to top up to make the €7k.
Chair: We need to agree how we are going to do this. Don’t be talking about specific projects until we agree a mechanism for distribution of the funds.
Agreed upper cap per project of €1k generally and €1.5k exceptional with a spending limit of €5k now and €5k in September.
Cllr McGrath: Thinks there is no issue putting some money aside for the Stockton Close light in the interim. Subject to the cap. May give Tom Stritch the impetus to fund it.
Cllr D’Alton seconded this proposal.
The Municipal District will write as a committee to Tom Stritch about the light.
We go through the projects individually.
Cllr O’Laoghaire is asked about the pre-school in Togher.
Cllr O’Laoghaire: This is a one-off. There is no further cost in other years. There is no private preschool in Togher. It is going to go ahead, but a contribution from the Council would make a difference to the need for local fundraising. Submits for €1.5k.
Cllr Canty: Is Togher not a RAPID area? So is there funding available from other sources? From the City Council also?
Cllr O’Laoghaire: Yes, Togher is a RAPID area but there is no funding coming from RAPID, Tusla or any one else. The City Council has not been asked but the schools in question are on the county side.
Cllr O’Laoghaire proposed €1.5k towards the pre-school in Togher and Cllr D’Alton seconded.
Cllr McGrath proposes that we give the full €9oo towards the cost of the Passage West/Monkstown debrillator because there are ancilliary costs involved. Cllr D’Alton seconds.
This brings the total funds distributed to €5k. Concern about the 6th request for funding for a lawnmower for Dan Desmond Villas in Passage West. Cllr McGrath explains that the resident who used to cut the grass in the estate with his own mower has died. So the estate now needs to purchase a lawnmower. Cllr D’Alton says that the residents of the estate always do a really good job of maintaining the estate and that the request for contribution is very small. The MDO asks whether the residents contribute towards a grasscutting fund. Cllr McGrath confirms that they do in small amount, to cover the cost of fuel, etc.
MDO suggested that the committee might give €500, but that this would give a total spend of €5,500 which is greater than the spend agreed of €5k.
Cllr O’Laoghaire suggests that the two projects to receive €1.5k would have their contribution each reduced to €1.25k. Other Cllrs agree that the limit needs to be adhered to. Cllrs D’Alton and Forde disagree, saying that the allocations are reasonable and the requests genuine and that the €5.5k distribution of funds should go ahead. It was agreed to go ahead with the €5.5k distribution, but to be aware that there will be only €4.5k to distribute in September.
6. Disposal of Property
(i) To consider the disposal of property at 1 Bloomfield Terrace, Ringaskiddy, Co. Cork, to Michael Middleton, 1 Bloomfield Terrace, Ringaskiddy, Co Cork for the consideration of €1.00.
(ii) To consider the disposal of property at 1 St Carthage Place, Ringaskiddy, Co. Cork, to Niall Browne, 1 St Carthage Place, Ringaskiddy, Co Cork for the consideration of €1.00.
MDO: There are 184 sq ft and 154 sq ft in both properties respectively. Very minor. This is merely rectifying an anomaly.
Proposed by Cllr McGrath, seconded by Cllr Collins.
7. To consider the following Notices of Motion in the name of:
Cllr D O’Donnabhain
“That this Municipal District calls on Bus Eireann to reverse the changes made to buses starting from/ finishing at Grand Parade. That this Municipal District calls on Bus Eireann to re instate the terminus of Parnell place for all buses from Ballincollig and the West of the County”
Chair proposes that we will come back to this in September when Bus Eireann is present at the meeting.
Cllr M D’Alton
1. “That Cork County Council would review the arrangements for right hand turning into the Roberts Bridge car park on the R610 with a view to increasing traffic safety.”
Cllr D’Alton: The turn of concern is when driving from Passage West in the Douglas direction and one stops to turn into the Roberts Bridge car park. Traffic is travelling fast. The entrance to the car park is just after a bend. There is no indication that there is a right hand turn ahead. There are no road markings. The road is narrow with no hard shoulders and there is insufficient space to create a dedicated right hand turning lane. But asks that the AE would please look at the junction with a view to improving its safety in some way. There have been many tips at this junction but fortunately is not aware of any serious accidents to date. But it is vital that something would be done to make that right hand turn stand out. Even if just a yellow box in the middle of the road, although knows it is not the correct way to use a yellow box.
AE agrees that the road is very narrow and there are limited options available to her but she agrees to look at it.
2. “That a pelican crossing would be installed at the uncontrolled crossing adjacent to the new playground in Ringaskiddy.”
Cllr D’Alton: There is a sweet new playground in Ringaskiddy. All the residents live on the other side of the village. So the children must cross the N28 to access the playground. An uncontrolled crossing serves the playground. But as a mother, is terrified of the uncontrolled crossing. Does not provide adequate safety for children. Knows other mothers in Ringaskiddy think similarly. Badly needs a pelican crossing with lights. Knows this issue was brought up before but that the NRA turned down the proposal on the grounds that it was a national route. Now traffic lights are being proposed for the Shannonpark roundabout which is also on a national route. So it is a perfectly reasonable time to ask that a pelican crossing would be provided at the uncontrolled crossing in Ringaskiddy village.
Cllr McGrath: Was there at the time when the uncontrolled crossings were put in place. The NRA didn’t agree to a pelican crossing then. But then they proposed traffic lights for Shanbally and Shonnonpark. What is there is a step forward but not good enough. Safe crossing is required. Supports the request.
Cllr Collins: Supports what both Cllrs D’Alton and McGrath have said. High element of HGV traffic makes this crossing particularly dangerous.
AE: This is a matter for the NRA. She circulated Cllr D’Alton’s notice of motion to the Roads Design Office in advance of the meeting but has not yet received a response. When she does, she will circulate.
It was agreed that the Municipal District would write as a committee to the NRA about providing the pelican crossing also.
- “That the Members would receive an updated report on both derelict sites and dangerous buildings in the Ballincollig-Carrigaline Municipal District, to include a full list of all properties in question.”
Cllr D’Alton: Thanks management for the report. Made this request because at the October meeting she queried which section would deal with derelict sites and was told that it would be the Municipal District and that the Municipal District Committee would receive a report on derelict sites quarterly. No report has been received yet. Think we need regular reporting, once every 6 months would probably be adequate. But the issue needs to stay on the agenda so that we can keep on top of them and keep them moving.
Cllrs talk about the derelict site in Pinecroft, Grange. This is always an issue. We still say we cannot track down the owner. Not the case.
Cllr Forde: There is a long history to the Pinecroft property. The owner wanted the Council to buy it a few years ago but the Council didn’t have the money. The Council levied a fee under derelict sites act. If we could even buy the property off him now and build social housing there, it would be a great way forward.
Manager: A huge amount of work has been done on derelict sites in South Cork. These ones left are on the register because we are still working on them. We can only do what the legislation tells us to do. Someone may not be the registered owner and then we can do nothing. These are all active files and we are trying to solve them.
Cllr Murphy: Former Coal Store, Passage West and Railway Street. What is the update on them?
MDO: Getting a report from the engineers on this.
Cllr D’Alton: From Town Council days, the Railway Street reference is to a group of properties now owned by NAMA. They comprise the last property on the right on Railway Street and several on the quay itself. This was as discussed at Town Council level.
Cllr McGrath: On Pinecroft, is it that we cannot track the owner down, not that he is not the registered owner of the site?
Cllr Forde: We know the owner and we know where he lives. If we can put a levy on him under the Derelict Sites Act, surely we have to know who the owner is?
MDO: No. We can just serve the levy on the property. If the Members would pass on any information they have, we will deal with it.
Cllr Collins: He is the owner of 60 properties in Carrigaline if that helps!
Cllr D’Alton proposed that the committee would have an updated report in the next 6 months. In the interim, Members can individually make contact with management, either with properties of concern to put on the list or with suggestions as to how some of those on the list already might be resolved. This was agreed.
Cllr S McGrath
1. “To seek an update from the Engineer on plans to upgrade Coach Hill. Has the design work commenced on a Road Improvement Scheme?”
Cllr McGrath: Had this as a motion before. Knows it was to go to design but would like an update on this. Narrow road with a particularly bad pinch point and is now taking bus traffic as well.
AE: Preliminary design is practically complete. Land purchase and land transfer issues are being looked at next.
2. “To request that the Engineer investigates trees on Clarke’s Hill from a safety perspective.”
Cllr McGrath: This is another road we are hopefully upgrading. Trees are of concern with regard to road safety. The Municipal District has taken a lead in Raffeen and Monkstown with regard to trees and is wondering if Clarke’s Hill can be looked at in the same way.
AE: Agrees to look at this.
3. “This Municipal District requests the Council to apply to the NTA for funding to progress the Green Route Scheme for Donnybrook Hill.”
Cllr McGrath: The scheme in Donnybrook had been progressing but then the focus went on to completing the Green Route on Maryborough Hill and went off Donnybrook. So Donnybrook was never finished. Knows we will need to get national funding for it. The purpose of today’s motion is to revise the scheme.
Cllr Forde: Agrees with the motion. Understood from officials that they have already made the request and are bringing the design that is already there up to date.
Cllr McGrath: Is aware of this but the purpose of today’s motion is to get the committee’s support.
AE: The NTA has already given their backing to the scheme being looked at without any commitment to funding.
It was agreed that the Municipal District would write as a committee to the appropriate section in-house to say this scheme had our backing.
Cllr D’Alton asked whether this Green Route was part of the Douglas LUTS. The AE explained that she believes it is outside Douglas LUTS. Cllr D’Alton again repeated her request for the promised briefing on Douglas LUTS. Cllr Desmond agreed, saying it is now 3 months since we asked for it.
Cllr J Harris
1. “That something be done with the two closed crèche buildings in Castletreasure grove.”
Cllr O’Laoghaire: Supports this request. It is one of our own estates. Residents met with Eugene O’Callaghan of housing recently. Some of the things said to them seemed to be huge obstacles. Like solicitors fee of €500. Lighting, insurance to be covered by residents. Must be trained in first aid. The cost of getting the building up and running seemed to be significant. If purpose-built buildings like these are available, we should be going out of our way to make them available to residents.
MDO: One of these buildings was for a crèche and the other was for a community building. Both are being converted to disabled access accommodation. Works will commence on both later in the year. They are going to tender.
Cllr Harris: This is good.
Cllr O’Laoghaire: Thinks it is a shame to lose a community centre. There is no community centre in Donnybrook.
Cllr Forde: If it was a condition of planning that there should be a crèche and community facility, how come this change of use did not come before us before now? Can’t make these types of changes behind the scenes. Doesn’t disagree with the change, but wants to know why the process wasn’t gone through.
MDO: The properties are there since 2008/9. He will ask the housing department about the proposed changes.
Cllr Harris: It is true that a community centre would benefit more people. Is it gone beyond that stage now?
MDO: Images that it would be if it is gone to tender.
Cllr O’Laoghaire: Doesn’t understand this because the residents meeting with Eugene O’Callaghan was only 15th June. That’s 4 weeks ago.
MDO: Clarification –documentation is being prepared to proceed to tender.
Cllr Desmond: Residents just want to see the buildings occupied and used.
MDO: This was a council-built estate. There were issues in relation to the crèche design. Then the builder went wallop. Not sure about the community building. Knows there have been discussions with the residents. Imagines a decision like this would be taken only because the residents and the Council couldn’t come to an agreement on how its use as a community building would progress.
Cllr MCGrath: Agrees with Cllr Forde in relation to the process. At the very least, we should be informed of the change of use. If there isn’t a legal requirement, it is a courtesy to tell us as elected reps because we will have had contact with the residents.
2. “I call on this municipal district to set up a youth cafe in the Douglas area, along the lines of Cobh café.”
Cllr Harris: Believes the Youth Café in Cobh is a great success. But there is none in Douglas. There are a few greenfield sites in Douglas that could be exploited for this purpose.
Cllr Forde: Supports this call of course but there is a long history in relation to setting up a youth café in Douglas. We procured a lease. Previous County Manager gave €5k. Foroige helped. We wanted a youth café and other utility for the community. It just didn’t take off. Had sleepless nights wondering where the next bit of rent was coming along. Needed a free unit. In the end, Foroige who did their best, recognised that it didn’t work. There was also a formal study done into the potential for a youth café in Douglas. To get a facility like this off the ground, a group has to come together and fund raise. Its not as clear cut as the Council handing over a building or otherwise, although either would be brilliant. A lot of building took place in Douglas but at the time and money was siphoned off to the rest of the county, not returned to Douglas as it should have been.
Cllr Collins: Similar situation prevailed in Carrigaline untl the Lyons Club ran with it. We have a permanent tenant and there will be other spin offs from it. It has to be self-sustaining and funded properly and run as a business. The one in Bandon was very successful also. Was run on a money-making basis. Much of this soft infrastructure was not put in place when times were good. In times such as these now, people come looking for places. It is going to take someone in Douglas to run with this as was done in Carrigaline.
MDO: Understands the Cobh youth café receives funding from various state sources. Has got funding from the Council over the years. In Douglas Community Association’s new building, it is proposed that one of the rooms will be for youth use and possibly a youth café. So the Council has considered this need and is contributing towards it.
Cllr Desmond: Agrees with Joe’s proposal. Togher Community Association runs a facility. Possibly a model that the Douglas Community Association could be looking at. Cllr Fergal Dennehy has put huge work into this. Very good operation. Doesn’t happen easy.
Chair: Work is ongoing in relation to a community centre in Ballincollig. Various youth projects have found it hard to find a home. None of this comes easy. There are very few good examples in the Municipal District of what can be done in this area. But it is hugely beneficial to provide these facilities.
Manager: Council would be supportive of any initiatives that there are. It is not the Council’s role to set these things up but we will always support the proposal and get involved in any way we can.
Cllr Harris: There are many kids hanging out in the community park at night as it is so the location of the Community Centre would be ideal. They need somewhere badly in the Douglas area.
Cllr D O’Laoghaire
1. “To ask the Council to pursue a cleanup of the area behind Grangewood Court, Grange, and to trim the Trees at the front of the Estate, which have become a hazard.”
Cllr O’Laoghaire: This is a request from the residents for an area at the back of the estate. It is the patch between Grangewood Court and Park. It is overgrown and littered. Also the high trees at the front of the estate could do with trimming.
Cllr Collins: Has photographs of these issues and concurs. There is a valley running down the back there which has been used as a dumping ground for years. Relevant to the derelict building in Pinecroft.
Cllr Forde: Thanks the Area Office for the clean up in the last few weeks. Knows a lot of money was spent by the Area Office and the information is that the dumping is being done by local people.
Cllr Harris: Also thanks. Supports Cllr O’Laoghaire in this request. The overgrown areas are leading to anti-social behaviour. Kids can’t play there because they don’t know what’s in there.
AE: Clarifies the area O’Laoghaire is talking about. Will look at the trees if they are on public property. Will look at the area to be cleaned up but won’t be anxious to repeat what the Area Office undertook a few weeks ago. Cllr Collins reference is to the area that has already been cleared.
- “That the Municipal District supports installation of Public Lighting on Lehenaghbeg.”
Cllr O’Laoghaire: Residents were disappointed that they were not on this year’s allocation for public lighting. Knows that the pubic lighting unit made a point in relation to public safety. The reality is that people are walking the road with or without lights. Even to access the bus, lights would help. Thinks lights would make it safer for motorists also.
Cllr McGrath: Supports the motion. The progression of main road improvement scheme is important. Knows we are at the stage of looking for a consultant for the design work.
Cllr D’Alton: Also supports the motion. Knows that there is limited funding for public lighting and that there is a hierarchy under which available funds are allocated. But Lehenaghbeg is different in that it had special contributions which surely should take it out of the competitive element of the public lighting funding. Could these special contributions not be used for putting in interim public lighting?
AE: But thought the Lehenaghbeg special contributions had to be given back?
Cllr D’Alton: Understood that the special contributions were given in three tranches, two before 2000 and another since. Believed the first ones were given back but not the later one.
AE: Would have to confirm but even so, would not be happy to put public lighting particularly on the narrow bend by the bridge. Believes it is delivering the message that walking here is safe when it most certainly is not.
Cllr D’Alton: There are many country roads with housing, up the back by Rochestown for example, where there are no footpaths but public lighting is attached to wooden poles. What is the difference?
AE: Not sure but perhaps these areas are so rural that they do not compare with Lehenaghbeg. The volumes of traffic are completely different.
Cllr McGrath: The provision of lights on these roads is also historical.
Cllr O’Laoghaire: Knows the point the AE is making in relation to public safety. But even if just one or two were to be provided on the particularly blind spot corners. The reality is that people are walking this road every day.
3. “That the Council will examine the possibility of a pedestrian crossing above the entrance to Eagle Valley Estate on Sarsfield Road.”
AE: The bus stops in the vicinity of this area and it would be a good site for a pedestrian crossing. She will talk about it with Peter O’Donoghue. She will look at it too. But it would cost in the region of €30k and that is the problem.
Cllr D Forde
1. “That a light be installed between Stocken’s close and Grange Heights leading to Arbour court and Kingsford Park and the cost is funded from reserve in TDF/GMF.”
2. “That the Engineer give an update on NRA report re trees and works to be carried out on South link fronting Belgard downs, Kiltegan, Wainsfort and Newlyn Vale.”
3. That the NRA be called to MD to address the issue of noise from South Link/Bloomfield Interchange affecting Douglas Village, Rochestown residents.”
Agreed that the committee would ask the NRA to come to a Municipal District meeting to discuss these issues with us.
- Votes of Congratulations
MDO: Please email management with details of who to send the letter to when we are proposing votes of congratulations.
Cllr Murphy: To Garda Tim McSweeney for averting a fatality on 2nd July. Maybe use this to indicate the need to continue to provide a garda barracks in Passage West.
- Any Other Business
I had to leave the meeting at this point.