1. Minutes of Meeting of the Council held on 13th June, 2016.
Proposed and seconded.
Votes of Sympathy (if any) to the relatives of:
- members or employees of the Council,
- dignitaries of Church or State, or
- members of old I.R.A. and Cumann na mBan.
Several votes of sympathy were expressed.
It was proposed and seconded that when sympathies are expressed, a note should go to those for whom that sympathy is expressed. The Mayor said he would try to ensure that this arrangement is made.
Disposal of Property
Section 183 of the Local Government Act, 2001:
Kanturk Mallow Municipal District Meeting, 3rd June, 2016:
(a) Disposal of 8 Owentaraglen, River Valley, Spa Glen, Mallow, Co. Cork.
Cllr Mullane raised a query and asked that this would be deferred.
CE: There was a similar issue in relation to a property in Bantry. Once a 10-day notice is issued, we will be advising Members that it is proposed of to dispose of the property. It goes on the agenda so Members can either accept or reject the proposal. There is no provision for Members to defer it. If no decision is taken to accept or amend the proposal, the CE can legally go ahead and dispose of it if that is his choosing.
Cllr Mullane (SF): Then would like to reject this proposed sale. Had a motion on this before at Municipal District level, contacted the Department about it and the Department says Council should be holding on to properties. Has no obligation to sell. And so proposes that we reject the sale. The Department says that they have never told Council to sell property. Council says the opposite. Wants further information at next Municipal District and if not allowed to defer, wants to reject. In fact, we are now purchasing properties in the same area.
Cllr T Collins (Ind): This was passed at the Municipal District level and so should just be acccepted here.
CE: The disposal notice was issued. There has been no change in anything that would require me to change that disposal notice as it stands.
Cllr Mullane (SF): Wants clarity on information being given to Members or is the Department not telling the truth?
CE: Don’t know what the Department said but is confident the disposal is appropriate in the context of our business.
Cllr Moynihan (FF): Supports Cllr T Collins’s opinion. If it was passed at Municipal District, we should respect that. We should be enhancing the powers of the Municipal District, not bringing issues further to full Council.
Cllr Mullane wants to put it to a vote.
Me abstain – not part of the Municipal District and don’t have sufficient information to take a decision.
Result: 32 in favour, 8 against. So motion is carried and the disposal is advanced.
Cllr Linehan-Foley (Ind): Why was it passed at Municipal District level?
Mayor: Not going over that again.
Bandon Kinsale Municipal District Meeting, 27th May, 2016:
(b). Disposal of Baltinakin, Kilbrittain, Co. Cork
(c). Disposal of 1 Distillery Road, Bandon, Co. Cork.
Proposed and seconded.
3. Filling of vacancy for the chair of the Planning SPC’s
Cllr K Murphy (FG) proposes Cllr Michael Hegarty (FG). Agreed.
4. Section 134 of the Local Government Act, 2001:
“It is hereby resolved that, pursuant to Section 134 of the Local Government Act 2001, as amended by Section 50 of the Local Government Reform Act 2014, Cork County Council’s Annual Service Delivery Plan 2016, having been considered is hereby adopted.”
Cork County Council ASDP 2016 Final Draft 8th June 2016
Cllr O’Grady (SF) asked whether any amendments were made arising from our comments at the Development Committee meeting on Haulbowline Island.
CE: Two minor amendments were made as a result of our Development Committee meeting. Is a high level plan made at strategic level. P8 (broadband) and P16 (municipal districts) were the amendments made.
Cllr Forde (FG): Asks about unfinished estates section. Does this include such estates where conditions may not have been complied with.
CE: Where issues are brought to our notice where planning conditions are not being complied with, this is a matter that is pursued through the Enforcement Section of the Council in the usual way.
Cllr Hegarty (FG): With regard to the rollout of broadband, have we made provision financially to assist that?
CE: The national broadband tender is being run by the Department of Communications. It is likely to be 2017 before the contract is entered into. In the event that local authorities are asked to contribute, we will have to examine this in the context of our budget. We may have to facilitate rural broadband, although it is not a direct service of ours. Will keep Members informed.
Cllr Coleman (Ind): P11 – Tourism. “Support establishment of Board and Advisory Group of Cork Ltd.” Could we have an update on this?
CE: Brief update is that the current company (Cork Convention Bureau) is being amended to establish a new borad of directors. We need to put on our agenda to appoint a director to that company. New company will have a new remit over business and leisure tourism. There were two posts advertised. Closing date is gone on those. Selection of process for that will conclude within the next 6 weeks.
Ballincollig Carrigaline Municipal District:
Making of Cork County Council’s Cemeteries Bye –Laws, 2016.
Draft Cemetery Bye Laws Final June 16 (with amendments)
This applies across the county, not just in the Ballincollig-Carrigaline Municipal District.
Cllr O’Flynn (FF): Have a few issues and thinks it should go for further discussion. Is very restrictive. These issues are very sensitive for families. There are many churches at the moment where there are Celtic crosses and a new graveyard is an extension to an existing graveyard. What is the position here? Some Members feel it didn’t get enough discussion at Municipal District meetings.
Cllr T Collins (Ind): Seconds that.
Cllr K Murphy (FG): Also agrees.
CE: Agrees.
Cllr McCarthy (SF): How come if this was approved at Municipal District it is not approved here this morning? Didn’t we just say in the context of property sale that this should be the case.
CE: We have different legislation for bye-laws. But in any case, Municipal Districts were briefed on the proposed bye-laws and changes were made but the amended documents didn’t go back to Municipal Districts for approval. This is the difference.
Cllr Ryan (FF): My understanding is that whatever proposals were made and put in would come back to Municipal District before approval at full Council.
CE clarification to Cllr Mullane (SF): There is a date set on the bye-law implementation once it are passed.
Cllr Mullane recalls that we had a bye-law to stick up notices in playgrounds saying no smoking. We didn’t do this and in fact in Mallow have put an ashtray into the playground.
Mayor: This is a different issue.
6. West Cork Municipal District:
“That this council calls on the Department of Social Protection to review its current restrictions which prevent a person from continuing working on a Community Employment scheme beyond three years. CE workers provide a great service to organisations within their community, and exceptions should be allowed, especially in rural areas, to allow a CE worker to continue to work beyond the current limit, which would be of mutual benefit to both worker and organisation.”
Cllr Hayes: Speaks of the benefits brought by CE schemes to an individual and their families. A pilot scheme has been running since last December for those over 62. Asks that this be extended nationwide. The process works fine for some applicants but not for others who cannot find employment. Asks that the age restriction be lowered also to 21.
Cllr McCarthy (SF): Seconds. Has found people to be in the circumstance where they cannot find employment, particularly because of age.
Cllr Murphy (Ind): Discussed a motion similar to this at Northern Committee. Asks that we write to the Minister for Justice under the Vulnerable Adults Act. When someone goes for a CE scheme, they have to produce photographic ID before they are interviewed. Their names are picked off the social welfare list. They have to go through rigorous background checks. Project coordinators find that people don’t have cars so they don’t have either a drivers licence or a passport. Project coordinators find that it is harder and harder to put people on these schemes. Asks that we address this with the Minister.
Cllr Carroll (FF): Supports.
Cllr T Collins (Ind): Agrees. Is a member of 4 committees of IRD Duhallow so deals with all the schemes. The amount of time these people spend on schemes is too short. There is a huge amount of paperwork involved with each. Also agrees with Cllr Murphy on her issue. Also agrees with extending the pilot scheme for older participants.
Cllr D’Alton (Ind): Is familiar with a case where a participant was 61, had spent one year on CE and a second by way of extension. Was then required to leave. Despite repeated written requests to Intreo, no leniency was considered. Were conscious there was a mental health issue involved. Understand the rules of the scheme are to give an opportunity to work to everyone but those rules must take account of the human aspect of an individual’s role on the scheme.
Cllr Mary Hegarty (FG): Supports.
Cllr O’Flynn – supports. This is something that is causing a lot of concern in communities. It is a good scheme, gives participants dignity and a role in the local community.
7. Quarterly Report of the Chief Executive on Library Service.
Library Quarterly report 1 2016 (2)
Cllr Doyle (FF): Understands there is a move to nationalise the library service. The library is a beacon of the Council services. Asks for clarification.
CE: There is no question of this whatsoever. There may be shared services being discussed by smaller authorities. But to nationalise the service requires a change in legislation. There is no question that we wil not continue with a County library service.
Cllr D’Alton (Ind): Wants to compliment the CE and the library staff on the improved services in Passage West library and on the recent library upgrade. The library is now used widely and is a centre for the entire community.
8. Quarterly Report of the Chief Executive on Fire Service.
Proposed and seconded.
9. Department of Health:
Letter dated 8th June, 2016, in response to Council’s letter of 11th May, 2016, regarding resolving the long waiting lists for a crucial test for public patients with bowel cancer.
Cllr N Collins (Ind): Very disappointed with response. There will be another long wait for a response from the HSE.
Dept of Health Waiting List for Patients
10. Department of Health:
Letter dated 8th June, 2016, in response to Council’s letter of 26th April, 2016, regarding the location of the new children’s hospital in Dublin.
Dept of Health Children’s Hospital
There was much discussion about this. There is dissatisfaction with the response. We are writing back to the Department.
11. Department of Justice and Law Reform:
Letter dated 17th June, 2016, in response to Council’s letter of 12th April, 2016, regarding the establishment of a detention centre in the Cork Area.
Dept of Justice and Law Reform Detention Centre
Cllr Linehan-Foley (Ind): We asked for an amendment to this. We didn’t get any notification to say they even got our letter. Maybe they might acknowledge this too.
Cllr N Collins (Ind): Moves that the letter would be referred back to the Department. It was the transfer of detainees on Spike Island to Oberstown which has resulted in the overcrowding of Oberstown. The need for a youth detention and rehabilitation centre in Cork was never more urgent. They should not have to be transported from Cork to Dublin to a centre that is in total disarray. Is a native of Lusk and is fully conversant with this problem. The Minister of the time caused this disorder by closing Spike and doing nothing alternative. Read the Cork Examiner of last Thursday.
12, Councillor Alan Coleman:
“That this Council calls on RTE to screen the Irish produced documentary “Atlantic.”
Motion seconded by Cllr Hayes (SF). Needs to be seen by the general public. The producer’s previous film about the Corrib gasline was very powerful. Atlantic narrates the demise of the coastal communities which we are well aware of. Our legislators need to wake up to this. Was shown in Union Hall and Bantry. Clonakilty is currently showing.
Cllr Mary Hegarty (FG): Supports. Very important that the public sees this.
Cllrs Hurley (Ind), Coughlan (FF) and Carroll (FF) also spoke in support.
13. Councillor Eoghan Jeffers:
“That this Council recognises the financial pressure being placed on drivers due to huge increases in insurance premiums.
Calls on the Central Bank, the insurance industry and the Oireachtas to give this issue the priority it deserves.
Calls upon the insurance industry to operate in a more transparent way as regards their profitability.”
Cllr Jeffers (SF): There is an increase of 30% on average in premiums, with some providers upping prices by 200-300%. One student wasc recently quoted €14,000 for insurance on his car. Replies from Insurance companies are not adequate. In 2014, there was a small increase in the small claims court but the year before, there was actually a decrease. Most people need a car for day to day living. People coming home from abroad are trying to get jobs and establish businesses. They are struggling to get commercial insurance. It is high time the State intervened in the insurance market.
Cllr Twomey (SF): Many people feel discriminated against when they are going for insurnace. It is very hard for normal people to afford. Supports.
Cllr O’Sullivan (FF): There was a FF motion witth SF amendment on this at Dáil level. We all have our own stories to tell with regard to insurance premiums. It would help if an Advisory Board was established so motorists could see why their costs are going up. Asks that the motion be amended to reflect this.
Cllr Desmond (FF): Congratulates Deputy McGrath for bringing this forward at Dáil level. There is very much a cosy cartel going on amongst the insurance companies. Supports the Advisory Board being established.
Cllr Forde (FG): Supports the thrust of the motion. It is important that current policy is examined. The insurance sector is a very uneven sector. Called over a year ago that the entire insurance industry would be overhauled so that we can have a clear picture of data pertaining to the entire inurance industry.
Cllr N McCarthy (FG): Young people here are really sufffering. Knows one person who had to take a loan out to get their insurance.
Cllr S McCarthy (FG): Supports. Everybody has been hit with premiums. The No Claims Bonus no longer has meeting. Young people are being disproprionately hit. Understands there needs to be proportionality where there are more accidents but it is gone so far that there is now discrimination. A young guy living in a rural area trying to get a job with no access to public transport has to pay more for insurance than the actual car costs – there is something wrong here. Looks like there is a cartel which needs to be investigated.
Cllr Hurley (Ind): Welcomes the motion. The industry has been undercutting itself and we should not be paying for that. We are aiding the industry in balancing the books and we shouldn’t have to do that.
Cllr Hegarty (FG): These hikes are refecting personal injury claims. Ours are so high, three times more than in other countires. The courts and judiciary have to look at that in conjunction with this insurance review.
14. Councillor Des O’Grady:
“To request a written report on the foreign travel undertaken by officials and elected members of Cork County Council in 2014, 2015 and 2016 to date.”
The report to contain:
- The number of officials and elected members travelling and the destination, duration, purpose of and overall cost to Cork County Council of each separate delegation.
- The amount of expense incurred through use of the ‘Corporate Credit Card’ on each separate delegation.
- The total amount of personal expenses that may have been later reimbursed by the Council to members of each separate delegation.
- The class of air travel used (whether 1st Class, Business or Economy) and the classification (Star Rating) of the accommodation utilised by each separate delegation.
The report to also contain the cost to Cork County Council in hosting overseas delegations, groups or individuals in each of the 3 years separately.”
Report distributed. Cllrs discussed briefly. Cllr O’Grady is satisfied with it.
15. Councillor Mary Linehan Foley:
“I’m calling on Cork County Council to give a full report on the status of phase 2 of the boardwalk in Youghal and clarify its intentions with regard to seeing this project through to construction and completion bearing in mind that phase 1 is such a success and benefit to Cork East Area.”
Response to Cllr Linehan-Foley
Meetings administrator: There have been changes in Standing Orders to allow such notices of motion to be dealt with at Municipal District level. They are on the agenda now but probably shouldn’t be.
Cllr Linehan-Foley (Ind): Accepts that but the funding is at this level. We did discuss it at Municipal District level. Cork County Council did Phase 1 of the boardwalk with Fáilte Ireland. Now looking for support for Phase 2. Thanks for reply. Would allow mothers with kids and buggies, etc. to walk the 6 miles of Youghal beach. This is very important to Youghal. Knows there are issues with private landowners, etc. Apologises for bringing it up but there isn’t this money at Municipal District level.
Meetings administrator: Next time, it needs to come as a motion from the Municipal District.
Cllr Twomey (SF): Seconds the motion. What possible sources of funding have been identified? Has EU funding been applied for? Mallow got lots of EU funding for redevelopment.
Cllr N Collins (Ind): Fully spports. Youghal is a very progressive town and deserves this support.
16. Councillor Noel Collins:
“That this Council call on the Minister for Housing & Planning to take decisive action to ensure there is an adequate supply of purpose built on campus accommodation for students, due to private sector rent – rises, which could result in a drop out culture in third – level education.”
Cllr Linehan-Foley (Ind): Supports. The cost of rent is breaking parents.
Cllr Twomey (SF): Rent for student accommodation was €600 per month. Now it is over €1000 per month. Students are having to work more than ever and are not getting any study time.
Cllr Coughlan (FF): Is aware of this problem first hand. Dublin, Cork, Galway are cities with premium accommodation fees. It is important that the Minister deals with this as soon as possible. Often there are multiple student bills in one family.
Cllr J Murphy (Ind): Speaks of personal experience. Nieces had to move home because of rent increases. Now they have to get up at 5am to make college and work weekends. Not humane.
17. Councillor Cathal Rasmussen:
“That this council seeks clarification from Government to the recent statement by Minister Donahoe to the fact the 60 million euro ring fenced for the cleanup of the old Irish Ispat site may not be fully available and that we look for guarantees for the site to be cleaned as promised by the last government with specific timelines agreed”.
Cllr Rasmussen (Lab): Wants to keep this project moving. Officials have questioned the expense. Mentions cancer rates in Cobh, eyesore in Cork harbour. Suggets delegation to Minister.
Cllr Barry (FG): Supports. We are all aware of the mess left by Ispat. €8m was spent this year and a projected €40m is to be spent for 2017. Understands that pressure on relevant ministers means the government will deliver. We know the value of Cork Harbour.
Cllr D’Alton (Ind): Can’t emphasise enough the effect cleaning up this site will have on the psyche of those living around Cork Harbour, not just locally but all around the harbour. Cleaning up this site will allow us to maximise the harbour as a resource and capitalise on the many opportunities it offers us. It is vital that this is cleaned up.
Cllr Cullinane (Ind): Supports. Concurs that this affects the whole harbour. Highlights how improtant it is that we have a special area development plan for the harbour. Everything effects every other area. People have been very tolerant of this. It is time for the government to cough up on what they have promised.
Cllr F Murphy (SF): We should be entitled to an update or was it only election promises?
Mayor also says he supports this well-timed motion.
Cllr Rasmussen (Lab): Would like support for a deputation to the Minister on this.
All agreed.
18. Councillor Noel McCarthy:
“That this Council seek confirmation from the Taoiseach as to when legislation under the proposed equality retirement bill will go on the Statue Books.”
Cllr McCarthy (FG): This legislation was passed but not put on the statue books. Affects a lot of people in the public sector. Speaks of one man who is 40 years workign for the public sector. Is about to retire at 65 but cannot draw state pension until he is 66. Will have to draw unemployment benefit for the year. That is not fair. The legislation would have covered that gap.
All agreed.
Cllr K Murphy (FG): Also mentions this difficulty for the sef emplyed.
19. Councillor Aidan Lombard:
“That this council writes to the Department of Environment, Community and Local Goverment to apply for the local infrastructure fund for the building of the Western road in Carrigaline ”
CE: This was discussed at Southern Committee last Monday. The concern is that in writing to the Department, we are premature. The announcement of the local infrastructure fund was made but we have had no details of how we might tap into it. Appreciates the motion is made in good intent but that it might be premature against whatever critera the Department may specify.
Mayor: It was on the Southern Division agenda last Monday – you are on the Western Division so you wouldn’t have know.
Cllr Lombard: Would be happy to wait until we have those criteria and would then be happy to reintroduce the motion. Carrigaline is perfectly geographically positioned to provide housing. The infastructure fund is destined for areas of high housing demand.
Cllr K Murphy (FG): This is a worthy motion. There is a serious disconnect – Carrigaline is in the Western Division and in the Southern Division. At some time we have to iron out communication between the two.
Mayor agrees. If a motion comes to a Municipal District that relates to Carrigaline, the other Division should know. We will establish a protocol for doing this.
20. Councillor Marcia D’Alton
“That Cork County Council acknowledges the ongoing shortage of places in special education classes for students with an autism spectrum disorder diagnosis at secondary level.
That if the National Council for Special Education (NCSE) identifies a need for additional special education classes at either primary or secondary level in a defined geographical area, the Department of Education and Skills would require schools in the geographical area to respond to this identified need by establishing an adequate number of such special education classes to match that need.
That the necessary funding for both the set-up and running of these special education classes would be provided by the Department.
That this need is not unique to Cork and consequently that this motion is circulated to all other local authorities in Ireland for their consideration and support.”
(Cllr D’Alton’s introduction to the motion is under separate cover)
Cllr Desmond (FF): Supports. Wants to add that we don’t have sufficient classrooms or access to places in secondary school. We’re not in any way geared up for dealing the with number of children with autism. There is a huge deficit here. Also adds concerns about the change recently the with SNA allocation process. The new way of accessing SNAs is supposed to be child focused but it is not. The load has been put on principals to access SNAs from within the school budget.
Cllr O’Grady (SF): Supports – timely motion. Cllr Desmond is right about the SNAs. The Department has a role in this too. The Department has to put compunction on schools. The funding element is relevant. You don’t get further funding for running costs.
Cllr Twomey (SF): Supports. Worthy motion. There is also a shortage of places at primary level. People will get a grant for the first year of home schooling but none for the second year. Perhaps include this in the motion too?
Cllr N Collins (Ind): Supports. Knows a parent in Midleton with 2 sons (aged 17 and 18) with autism. Cannot find them a place at school. Does anybody know one with an ASD unit close to Midleton?
Cllr Ryan (FF): Supports. Well put together. Hits the issue very clearly. Lack of service for autism in second level school is creating huge stress among parents. Totally unacceptable the way it is dragged out. Whatever can be done with the Department should be.
Cllr Dawson (FG): Fully supports. Have family member diagnosed but have had to move so child could go to school. When families have a child with autism, they have enough concerns to be dealing with without worrying where the child will go to school. Thanks for bringing motion forward.
Cllr Hurley (Ind): Commends the motion.
Cllr Hegarty (FG): Fully supports. This is becoming a problem for second level in particular. Not all schools have ASD units. Believes that in conjunction with the ETB, the Department will make funding available.
Cllr Cullinane (Ind): Commends the motion. 25 years ago had to move house because of the need to educate a child with special needs. It is tragic to think we still haven’t learned to accommodate children appropriately. Thinks councillors involved with the ETB should be involved and she would be happy to bring the motion forward with the ETB.
Cllr J Murphy (Ind): Supports. The issues with autism are wider than this. Lack of services and help after school are also huge. Wonders if rather than leaving it to ETB councillors, we could have someone come into a development meeting to speak to us about services we have in Cork, pitfalls and needs, etc. We need to be fully informed.
Cllr B Moynihan (FF): Thinks we need more clarity from an expert in the area on the issue. There are huge challenges for schools in introducing and managing and financing these units. Thinks we need a briefing.
Cllr Mary Hegarty (FG): Fully supports. Important motion. As a member of the ETB, supports special needs in an all-inclusive setting in schools.
Cllr D’Alton (Ind): Thanks all Members for the support. Totally agrees with all Members who commented on other aspects of the education system that do not give adequate support for children with autism. They are myriad. Supports the suggestion of a briefing for Members. Would be delighted if the Members on the board of the ETB would run with it. Also true to say that costs are an issue. The Department grants €6,500 to the school for setting up the ASD unit but only €137 per student for its running. That is one sixth of the running costs given per student in an ASD unit in primary schools. But the motion is addressing just one small chunk of what is wrong with the system which can be relatively easily rectified. The circular issued by the Department allows schools the option to choose whether to set up an ASD unit or not. That element of choice needs to be removed.
21. Irish Water:
Letter dated 9th June, 2016, in response to Council’s letter of 31st March, 2016, regarding the Council’s dissatisfaction that a representative of Irish Water declined the invitation to attend Council Meeting on 29th March, 2016.
Cllr Carroll (FF): Raises the issue of local contractors no longer being able to tender with Irish Water. Is asking the Council to write to Irish Water and is asking them to come in here.
Cllr O’Flynn: Cork County is large and having a contractor travelling 50-60 miles is crazy. Also the refusal of Irish Water to come into us is extraordinary. They are a faceless body. Important that we get the opportunities to ask the questions. They need to reinstate clinics for councillors.
Cllr O’Grady (SF): This letter has to do with boil water notice in East Cork???
Meetings administrator: The issue arose with the boiled water notice. We were asked to write to Irish Water to ask them to come here and explain why there was a boil water notice. They declined. Someone from the HSE did attend. We wrote back to Irish Water to express the concerns of Council that Irish Water had declined the invitation. This is the response to that letter.
Cllr Hegarty (FG): Happy that the filtration system in Whitegate will be installed by August and the boiled water notice will be lifted. But fully accept comments from councillors on contractors. Many of those contractors have invaluable knowledge. They know where very stopvalve is. Would be very regrettable if they were to be taken out of the equation and it is very important that we notify the powers that be of the necessity to retain those contractors. It is fair to say that many of us aren’t overly happy with Irish Water generally. But it is no different from TII. The Mayor and some others met with TII along with the CE a few weeks ago. That seems to have been a fruitful meeting. That approach should also be angled towards Irish Water. Asks the Mayor to organise that.
Cllr Lombard (FG): Supports Cllr Carroll. The role of PSDP isn’t for subcontractors or contractors that aren’t on design phase. The role of PSCS would do for the contractors. On tendering criteria, loads of small contractors wouldn’t have relevant experience isn PSDP. Would eliminate them from tendering Not fair to elmiminate them. Excludes small contractors, sometimes with large turnovers but leaves it to a couple of very large multinational contractors.
Cllr Ryan (FF): Supports. Modus operandi of Irish Water in relation to small contractors is ridiculous and lacks common sense. There was a recent water break in Blarney. The contractor who came to repair it came from Youghal. Yet a competent contractor is based no more than 3 miles away. The knowledge that local contractors have is invaluable. They are being excluded. It is the taxpayer that is paying for this reckless behaviour.
Cllr K Murphy (FG): What was there heretofore in relation to our framework? Were the names of our contractors pased on to Irish Water in the event of a break? What was the agreement made at the time between the County Council and Irish Water?
Cllr Carroll (FF): The smaller contractors are working now but it will stop soon. A new list will be compiled shortly. Asks that a senior official in Irish Water would address this. They are going to do an extension of a sewer costing €440,000 and one contractor who is well able to do the job is going to be excluded.
Cllr K Murphy (FG): We should all make a case for our contractors.
We will follow the issue of the contractors up with Irish Water. We will look for a delegation to meet with them.
Cllr O’Flynn
Cllr D’Alton (All those who took part in the Féile over the weekend and in particular to the Passage West U14 Ladies team who were the first team ever from Passage West to get to the finals)
Cllr Frick Murphy – same as Cllr D’Alton and the Irish soccer team
Cllr Hurley – the Irish soccer team and fans
Cllr Forde – the Parish Assembly of St Patrick’s Church Rochestown for the 25 year anniversary of church and a wonderful day out yesterday.
The meeting was concluded.