Municipal Districts Creative Communities Scheme – applications invited

The Municipal Districts Creative Communities Scheme is open for applications as of today, Friday, April 28th.


The Creative Communities Scheme aims to promote partnership models of arts activity in each of Cork County’s eight Municipal District areas.  The scheme will provide funding to enable community bodies, creative artists, local arts groups, and others to come together as local partnerships to plan and deliver an arts project that will achieve a significant enhancement to cultural and social  life in their area.

We are looking for:

  • Proposals for creative arts projects that demonstrate how the creative sector and community are connected and can work in partnership in their area.
  • Innovative, well researched, creative projects that  will engage positively with people, by placing the arts and creativity at the centre of community life.
  • Projects that make best use of the artistic and creative resources in the community.
  • Proposals that aim encourage creative leadership in the community
  • Projects that will be examples of good practice in public engagement in the Arts from which other communities can learn.

A relatively long period has been allowed for groups to come together to plan and develop ideas.  This takes time, so the closing date for applications is Friday, June 23rd.

Official scheme guidelines and the application form are here:
CORK COUNTY MUNICIPAL DISTRICTS Creative Communities Scheme application form Final