Cork County Council has granted Irish Water/Ward & Burke a licence for the total closure of the R610 (Cork Street) to lay a 90 metre stretch of sewer around the Passage West library. The area to be dug is the yellow one in the picture below. It has been granted for 4 weeks.
When this work is complete, the sewer-laying will move into the greenway (green area above) for three weeks. The greenway will not be accessible during this time. Three more road closure applications will be submitted to complete the works on the Cork Road in Passage West. The light blue, pink and grey ones will all be total road closures whilst the dark blue one will be a partial road closure, i.e. single lane flow permitted with lights.
The road closure licence is based on the contractor’s commitment to working 7 days a week and 12 hour days and has the following conditions attached:
1. A public meeting is to be held with all interested stakeholders to give a detailed briefing on the overall plan to complete works in Passage/Glenbrook. No further closures on the R610 will be granted until after this meeting has been held and a full programme of works has been submitted.
2. No road closures will be granted on the R610 after 31st October 2018 to allow Passage West to recover trade for the Christmas season.
3. Any remaining road closures after this date required on the Cork Road or Glenbrook to be planned to coincide with school holidays/mid term breaks.
4. Working Hours to be agreed with Area Office prior to road closure.
5. Full width road reinstatement is required for the full extent of this and all future road closure applications required for the completion of the works.
6. A road opening licence must be applied for to cover the planned works.
7. Traffic lights are to be used on the L2475 (Back road) outside of contractors working hours. During working hours traffic on the road is to be controlled using a Stop go system.
8. The applicant will need to survey the L2475 (Back road) to assess any areas of overhanging branches/hedges that may impact on traffic and any areas of hedge cutting/verge cutting as required for road safety / sight distance at junctions and these are to to be cut back as necessary subject to compliance with Wild Life Act and land owners agreement. This needs to be done before the road closure is put in place. This is to be monitored at regular intervals during the road closure.
9. The applicant is to put in place a system to regularly monitor the L2475 surface condition during the closure. If there are potholes on the route these are to be repaired immediately during the closure period.
10. The applicant will need to put in place a daily check system to ensure the road condition and signage in place on both the official diversion route and local routes are in order.
11. No HGV’s are to use the L2475 (Back road). Signage to be put in place signifying route for HGV’s.
12. Full engagement with Businesses in Passage West to assist with difficulties in trading associated with this Closure. This is to include advertisements in Local press/Social media as well as agreed signage.
13. Provide details of the revised bus arrangements for the Passage West service including revised routes and shuttle bus arrangements. Confirmation of engagement with Bus Eireann should be provided at least one week before closure to begin.
Irish Water/Ervia has issued an information brochure on arrangements for access during this coming four week period. It can be accessed here: FAQ on Cork Street Road Closure_Update 2
They have also organised a public information session tonight, 10th August, 6.30-8.30pm at the PACE Centre, Passage West. It is expected to address both further details of arrangements during the upcoming closure and an overview of the future total closures that may be expected both on Cork Street and in Glenbrook.