Municipal District Funding Scheme 2018

Cork County Council’s Municipal District Funding Scheme 2018 is offering three different types of grant:

1. Capital Fund – for community groups, sporting and local organisations who would like to undertake infrastructural projects costing over €20,000 that would improve the range or quality of community-based facilities within their area

2. Community Contract – for Tidy Towns groups who work with Cork County Council on local works and projects, agreed with the local Area Engineer, that enhance the area in which the group is active.

3. Amenity Fund Scheme – for community groups, sporting and local organisations in County Cork who wish to undertake projects or purchase equipment to a value of less than €20,000 that directly benefits communities and meets particular needs.

The following link explains the guidelines for each of the grants:  Community Fund Guidelines

If at all possible, applications for the grant schemes are to be made on-line through and applicants will need to register with to apply.

The closing date for applications is 4pm on Friday 16th February 2018.