Instigated, designed and wrote the Passage West/Monkstown website, a non-political community resource
The set up of the Passage West/Monkstown website as a community resource was proposed by me to the Town Council in a motion in 2006. I researched and wrote the material, produced the pictures – some from archives and generous permissions to use, others from my own camera – and liaised with the website designers whilst it was being put together. I have kept it updated since.
The entire ethos of this website was that it is for the people of the town and surrounding areas to use. Funding from the Town Council and local sponsorship from the front page advertisers facilitated its development. It is totally non-political in nature.
Over the years, I have responded to a large number of contacts from abroad that have been fascinated by the website. Some are researchers, some are writers, some have genealogy associated with Passage West/Monkstown and others are simply locals long since emigrated. All are delighted to have contact through the website.
The Town Council pays the annual hosting contract for the Passage West/Monkstown website. It is not yet known what will happen to this resource when the Town Council is abolished. It may be subsumed into the Cork County Council website or more likely discontinued when the hosting contract is not renewed.
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