Community Development Initiative 2018

Cork County Council is offering a new fund to communities to improve the range and/or quality of community-based facilities.  The Community Development Initiative offers to fund local community small-scale capital projects to a minimum of €1,000 and to a maximum of €25,000 per project.  The outcome of this funding is to lead to a better quality of life.  The closing date for receipt of applications is 14th December 2018.
The closing date for receipt of applications is 14th December.
The application form and conditions are at the following links:
If you would like an editable version of the forms, please email me at and I will send them to you.

Projects submitted for funding to the Urban/Rural Regeneration & Development Fund 2018

The following are the projects which have been submitted by Cork County Council for funding under two new government grants, the Urban Regeneration & Development Fund and the Rural Regeneration & Development Fund.  The Urban fund is targeted specifically at cities and larger towns in Metropolitan areas.  The Rural fund is targeted at towns outside of these areas and with populations of less than 10,000.

Urban Regen Dev Fund – List of Applications

Rural Regen Dev Fund – List of Applications

Community Enhancement Programme allocations 2018

Great to see a total of €282,115 being allocated to 59 groups in South Cork for projects they had asked to be funded under the Community Enhancement Programme. This is a fund distributed by the Department of Rural and Community Development and administered by Cork County Council. The groups and projects awarded funding throughout the county are listed in full here:
CEP South LCDC Cork County Group amount description Final

Funding was also granted under a specific Men’s Shed Fund to 12 Men’s Sheds in South Cork.  The groups, their proposed projects and the funding amounts can all be seen here: